Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 22/12/2022, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Kiki

Glassy eyes, thinness, loss of form: Kiki has a kidney problem that has a serious impact on his daily life...
photo association
Canned food for Kiki
Glassy eyes, thinness, loss of form: Kiki has a kidney problem that has a serious impact on his daily life...

192 cans

192 cans

Glassy eyes, thinness, loss of form: Kiki has a kidney problem that has a serious impact on his daily life...

1. He has kidney problems!

Kiki is a 17 year old cat, who has kidney failure. This kidney dysfunction has caused him to lose weight and is making him tired on a daily basis. His eyes are starting to get glassy, he urinates a lot and he spends his time sleeping.

2. The right canned food would help him regain his strength

With a diet specially designed for cats with kidney failure, Kiki could safely regain his strength. This would be a great opportunity for him to gain some weight and get in better shape.

3. We are revolted...

We have a hard time doing fundraising activities in our community. We follow all the rules, yet we are always being held back. It's demotivating, but we can't give up: 50 cats need us!

Association Chat de Gout'hier sans Toit
5 , rue du bouleau
25660 Saône
FR France

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