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Canned food for Petit Bonheur

Diabetes, heart problems, loss of teeth: poor Petit Bonheur is really being put through the mill with all these health issues!
photo association
Canned food for Petit Bonheur
Diabetes, heart problems, loss of teeth: poor Petit Bonheur is really being put through the mill with all these health issues!

Diabetes, heart problems, loss of teeth: poor Petit Bonheur is really being put through the mill with all these health issues!

1. He is diabetic…

Petit Bonheur is an 11-year-old cat, who has diabetes. We've managed to stabilise him, providing that he can receive the proper diet. Unfortunately, our supply is dwindling and we cannot afford to restock…

2. He's missing some teeth!

Due to an immunity drop caused by FIV (the virus behind feline AIDS), Petit Bonheur contracted a gum infection. To stop it reaching his bone, we unfortunately had to remove some of his teeth. Nowadays, he can't chew!

3. He has a heart murmur...

Petit Bonheur suffers from a significant heart malformation and is also burdened by high blood pressure. This combination of problems causes him to become quickly short of breath. Therefore, he tends to tire very easily!

4. Canned food could help continue to stabilise him

Canned food specifically formulated for diabetic cats would help regulate Petit Bonheur's blood sugar levels. He could thus renew his energy, without risking any health deterioration. As this type of food is easy to swallow, the loss of some of his teeth wouldn't be a problem anymore.

5. We have had huge veterinary expenses this year!

Currently, the association is encountering substantial difficulties. This year, the financial help has dramatically decreased and we've received very few donations. The veterinary expenses have reached 6,000 euros.

Many cats fell ill and needed dental extractions. Settling all these bills and continuing to find the funds to feed the cats, who need a specific diet, is beyond our means…


Association Protect Cat
55 avenue rené cassin
residence le titien n°501
13270 fos sur mer
FR France

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