Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 09/12/2019, discover the delivery pictures.
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Picture taken by Animal Webaction on the saturday 2 november 2019

A truckload of kibble to save these Romanian dogs !

In Romania, this shelter can no longer feed its 106 dogs, they will starve to death!
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Picture taken by Animal Webaction on the saturday 2 november 2019
A truckload of kibble to save these Romanian dogs !
In Romania, this shelter can no longer feed its 106 dogs, they will starve to death!

2,400 kg
Dry food offered

2,400 kg
Dry food necessary

Participate in confidence

Animal Webaction visited the site 02 November 2019 and confirms the situation described below.

In Romania, this shelter can no longer feed its 106 dogs, they will starve to death

Following a call for help, we went to the shelter on November 2.

The kibble stock was already running low, Iasmina used stale bread and carcasses to feed the dogs.

This summer, an outbreak struck more than 40 dogs, several died: the survivors remain weak and absolutely need kibble.

Neither the town hall nor the foundations want to help, donations do not cover a quarter of the shelter's expenses

Iasmina has resigned to take care of the dogs, her husband is working multiple jobs at the same time to ensure everyone's survival.

We want to help them, by sending 2400 kg of kibble as a matter of urgency.

100% transparency guaranteed.


1. Dozens of dogs have been affected by illness in recent months, many have died, the survivors need kibble!

Taken to the vet in emergency, Snowy died of a pulmonary hemorrhage, no treatment could save him


Zeus died of a heart condition this summer, abruptly and before Iasmina could take him to the clinic in time


Affected by an infection, Roxy was under treatment for many days, but her neurological system was too affected, she did not survive


Abandoned because she had contracted a virus, Lena was found on the street in a sad condition. Thanks to Iasmina's treatment and care, she is one of those who has successfully fought the disease 



A violent outbreak struck the shelter this summer, infecting more than 40 of the then 100 dogs hosted, or almost 50% of the shelter.... Despite long treatments and disinfections, 7 dogs died as a result of the illness, and the others are still weakened. 

If Iasmina has now managed to get rid of the disease, she fears that the situation will get worse again, as the kibble stock will be used up in a few days only! 



2. We were at the shelter on November 2nd, the kibble stock was already running low

At the time of our visit on November 2, the storage room had only 40 kg of kibble left.... If Iasmina has managed to buy a few bags since then, there will be nothing left from November 23rd


For lack of anything better, Iasmina had also bought some old bread and some cheap cuts of chicken to feed the dogs


"I do my absolute best to provide them with their fill daily. I'd rather have debts than not see them eat. But unfortunately it does happen that the dogs don't get as much food as they need, or food of very low quality.  The dogs who are most fragile do occasionnally develop problems. Fights also happen when there isn't enough food because the dogs are more agitated" explained Iasmina.


On the spot on November 2nd, we met Iasmina, as well as the 106 dogs hosted at the shelter. We also witnessed the difficulties Iasmina faced in feeding them: there were only 40 kg of kibbles left at the shelter, a quantity normally sufficient for only one day....

"I do my absolute best to provide them with their fill daily. I'd rather have debts than not see them eat. But unfortunately it does happen that the dogs don't get as much food as they need, or food of very low quality.  The dogs who are most fragile do occasionnally develop problems. Fights also happen when there isn't enough food because the dogs are more agitated" explained Iasmina with regret.

Following our visit, she managed to buy a few bags of kibble, which will allow her to feed the dogs until November 23rd, but she doesn't know what she will do afterwards ! 



3. Expenses are shooting up, Iasmina cannot work, her husband does several jobs at the same time to ensure the survival of all

To care for 106 dogs, Iasmina sacrificed her career, and has no time to work any more. To compensate, her husband does several jobs at the same time in order to ensure their survival, that of their two children, and that of the shelter


"My biggest worries are regarding the dogs' food. This is my daily struggle," explained Iasmina. "I relentlessly post on social medias in the hope that my beloved dogs will still get their share of food"


In a precarious situation, Iasmina fears for the future "I'm scared that one day we won't be able to afford to keep the shelter going anymore, I'm scared of my husband losing one of his jobs"


To take care of the shelter, Iasmina had to make the difficult decision to give up her professional career: "Taking care of the dogs at the shelter, saving others and caring for the sick ones takes up most of her time." she explained.

Her husband now does several jobs at the same time to support their family with two young children, but also to meet the shelter's expenses, which they finance alone at 75%....

"I'm scared that one day we won't be able to afford to keep the shelter going anymore, I'm scared of my husband losing one of his jobs" Iasmina told us, very anxious about the long-term situation. But in the immediate future, her biggest fear is related to the lack of kibbles that she will have to face in a few days.



4. During our visit, 106 dogs were at the shelter, we want to save them by sending kibble as a matter of urgency

At the shelter for only 2 months, Ursu was only skin and bones when he was found, and has not yet had time to recover


Moshu arrived at the shelter a few days only prior to our visit, after being rescued in emergency. He is a 12-year-old boy, who needs a peaceful end of life


Abandoned by her family because she was old and sick, Lady has a weakened immune system and suffers from a chronic disease, for which she remains on treatment


A former farm dog, Thor was abandoned when the farm ceased its activity. Starving and wounded, he was taken to the shelter in a heartbeat


Abused and underfed, Iowa was discovered in terrible conditions, seeking to protect her puppies. Her wounds have healed, but Iowa remains wounded and weakened


Because she was suffering from a tumor, Dolly was almost put to sleep by her former owner, but Iasmina rescued her in time. After surgery for her tumor, she is one of the seniors at the shelter


Born on the street, Lara was rescued with her mother, but suffers from very poor health. Her immune system is weak and requires chronic treatment, Lara also suffers from eye problems


Rescued a few weeks ago with her cubs, Lora spent most of her life hidden under a car. She suffers from a severe deformation of the hind legs due to the fact that she has always hid away, and will have to undergo surgery


Seriously injured after being hit by a car, Mikis suffered from several fractures and open wounds, and owes his survival only to Iasmina


Puny and sick when she was rescued, Nera was still a puppy and would not have had a chance of survival without Iasmina's intervention


When Rex was hit by a car, he suffered serious head and eye injuries, requiring long-term treatment and operations. Disapointed to see him in such a state, his owners abandoned him after his accident



5. If we don't reach the target, dogs won't receive any food

A failed collection on Animal Webaction


We can take action, we have already booked a truck and pallets, but we have to pay it before November 15th.

If the collection fails, we will not be able to pay, the departure of the truck will be cancelled and none of the collected kibbles will be delivered...

If the collection fails, we will refund all donors.



6. Neither the town hall nor the local shopkeepers want to help Iasmina, the few donations received barely cover a quarter of the shelter's expenses

To help sustain the shelter, Iasmina sought help from many partners: foreign associations and foundations, town hall, restaurants and local businesses, etc...

After two years of existence, the shelter does not receive any help from the town hall, or even from local shops. Only one foreign association, Hestia Helpt Honden, responded to Iasmina's calls for help, but its resources are too limited to provide sufficient support to the shelter. They also ask us to intervene!



7. The dirt road that leads to the shelter gets blocked with bad weather, Iasmina does not know how to spend the winter with an empty food supply! 

With rain or snow, the dirt road that allows access to the shelter becomes unusable by car, and can only be used on foot....


Whether it is sick dogs to be taken to the clinic or bags of kibble, Iasmina has no choice but to carry everything at arm's length for more than 3km in case of bad weather!


Accessible by a dirt road that is over 3km long, the shelter is difficult to reach, especially in case of bad weather. Work was started to make the road passable before winter arrived, but could not be completed due to a lack of resources...

Just having to look for food in winter, and getting it to the shelter is a real struggle in itself, Iasmina doesn't know how to overcome the next few months without a stock of kibble on site.



8. As a young mother, Iasmina is exhausted under the strain of the shelter



Mother of two young children, the youngest being only 2 months old, Iasmina already had to overcome all the difficulties of the last few months while she was still pregnant, and then taking care of a newborn child.

If she makes huge sacrifices for the shelter, and has always loved animals, she has not really chosen this life. Originally, Iasmina was simply helping another person, thrown out on the street with her 50 dogs: but she disappeared overnight after a few months, leaving nearly 100 dogs behind her... Presented with this done deal, Iasmina chose not to abandon them, and her life changed completely.

"I don't even have time to take on what my life actually is. I have such a tight schedule that it is extremely difficult for me to even comprehend.  Taking care of the dogs keeps me going, and I don't feel like giving up for a second" she explained. "I am very lucky to have an extremely supporting family who truly loves animals", she concluded, saying that her family was the only thing that brings her some kind of peace of mind.



9. The plight of stray dogs in Romania

Iasmina's shelter is located in the northwest of Romania




10. Through our logistics centre in Romania, we can operate rapidly!

Animal Webaction dry dog food leaving our logistics centre in Romania


If the collection succeeds, the food will leave directly from our logistics centre in Romania! So we can act very quickly, let's help Iasmina and her 106 dogs to receive kibbles!



11. What will the 2400 kg of kibbles collected be used for ?

This collection is organized by the First Hope Animal Rescue Association. The 2400 kg collected will be delivered to Iasmina to feed the 106 dogs cared for at the shelter.


12. 100% transparency guaranteed

- Animal Webaction has been helping more than 833 animal welfare associations over the past 5 years, with more than 1,967 deliveries in 8 countries (see photos).

- We make sure to contact each partner association, inquire to ensure its reliability and always ask for supporting documents.

​- Our partner associations only receive physical products, which means we never send money. When you offer 10kg of food, we deliver 10kg of food to the association.

- We also deal with transportation ourselves, and make sure all the products collected are properly brought where the association needs them to be, so a quick delivery is guaranteed.

- We will notify you by email as soon as the product bought thanks to your donation has been delivered.

- We will ask the association to take pictures of the food received, and will send you these pictures.

- The payment of donations is 100% secured by Paypal (no obligation to have a Paypal account), and by credit card.

- If you change your mind, we will refund your donation upon request, without charge or proof of any kind.

- If unfortunately the collection fails, we will not deliver anything, we will refund you the full amount of your donation.

Association First Hope Animal Rescue
Com. Livada nr:1111
Jud. Arad livada
RO Romania

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