Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 15/10/2021, discover the delivery pictures.
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Pellets for Bella

Bella is so stunted that her owners no longer wanted to take care of her!
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Pellets for Bella
Bella is so stunted that her owners no longer wanted to take care of her!

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Bella is so stunted that her owners no longer wanted to take care of her!

1. Her owners gave her soda to drink...

Bella was abandoned by drunken owners, who left her at a dog shelter. They fed her poorly, and gave her soda to drink, which caused Bella to stunt her growth!

2. Pellets will help her recover

Bella needs to get back into the habit of a more appropriate diet. The pellets will give her the nutrients she needs to be healthy.

3. The arrivals won't stop!

We have new animals to take care of all the time. Some of them, especially the horses, require extensive veterinary treatment and our budget suffers.

Association Au bonheur animal
11 rue d'Hautrage
7322 Ville-Pommeroeul
BE Belgique
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