Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 12/10/2021, discover the delivery pictures.
photo association

Canned food for Eclipse

Beaten and kicked out of her home, Éclipse won't let anyone near her!
photo association
Canned food for Eclipse
Beaten and kicked out of her home, Éclipse won't let anyone near her!

256 cans

256 cans

Beaten and kicked out of her home, Éclipse won't let anyone near her!

1. She was traumatized by abuse...

Éclipse is a 2-year-old cat. When her owner died, she was beaten by the owner's children, who then threw her out.

Poor Éclipse found herself at the door of her home, without the landmarks she had always known. Since that day, she is very afraid of humans, and doesn't allow herself to be approached...

2. Canned food would help her regain confidence

With tasty and appetizing canned food, Éclipse would see that we only want good things for her. Such food would be a great comfort to her, and would perhaps allow her to gradually regain confidence in human beings.

3. The collected donations are not enough!

We are very short of financial means. We have been able to collect some money in stores, but this will not be enough. We will need help again very soon!

Association L'arche Querrienoise
29310 Querrien
FR France

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