Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 18/09/2021, discover the delivery pictures.
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We cannot leave these 60 stray cats starve!

URGENT ! In Morocco, Najat has almost no kibble left to feed the 60 street cats she protects, they are going to starve!
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We cannot leave these 60 stray cats starve!
URGENT ! In Morocco, Najat has almost no kibble left to feed the 60 street cats she protects, they are going to starve!

1,140 kg
Dry food offered

1,140 kg
Dry food necessary

Participate in confidence

Animal Webaction visited the site 12 September 2021 and confirms the situation described below.

1. In Morocco, Najat will soon run out of kibble to feed the 60 street cats in her care. They will starve if nobody helps them!


"Every summer the number of cats increases, due to abandonment and uncontrolled births. Cat owners can't always take care of a litter, so they decide to abandon the females with their babies on the street, as many don't get spayed. The consequences are are huge, it means more expenses, a need for more kibble, more medical care and more physical work... The lack of resources is a big problem with these abandonments.

I only have 40 kg of kibble left, I'm already feeding them reduced amounts, according to my calculations I won't have any more from the 20th of September. My budget does not allow me to take care of these cats alone, for me it is a physical torture to know that the cats are going to wait for me, and that I will not be able to go and feed them because I will have nothing left, that is why I launched an appeal for help to Animal Webaction.

I feel a great responsibility towards them, they live in a miserable situation, my action allows them to have a meal a day, someone who comes to see them and makes sure that everything is fine. If I don't feed them, who will? My only hope is that this campaign succeeds."

2. Weakened by a harsh life on the streets, many cats are threatened by diseases: their condition can quickly deteriorate without kibble.


"Most of the time abandoned cats are in very poor condition, many of them suffer from scabies, calcivirus and other diseases. I take in as many sick cats as I can, especially those who need to be monitored and treated twice a day, but unfortunately I don't have the space or the means to take them all into my home to treat them. 

The street cats won't find food if I can't bring them kibble, many if not all of them won't get enough to eat. And I am particularly worried about the ones that are already sick, as their condition is likely to get worse.

I feel a lot of pain and a lot of anguish, the condition of these cats is pitiful."

3. Emaciated and suffering from repeated infections for several months, Perla will not be able to cope with a kibble shortage.


"I have been taking care of Perla for several years already on the streets. As with all the other cats I care for on the streets, the living conditions are difficult, but I always try to give them at least one meal a day. 

Perla has lost a lot of weight lately, and also suffers from repeated ear infections. I treat her, but she always relapses some time after the treatment is finished. She is already very weak at the moment, and is ill almost all the time, so she is likely to get worse if I can't bring her any more food."

4. With donations far below the needs, Najat accumulates debts and deprives herself of everything to help the street cats. But this is not enough, she cannot buy more kibble.


"I use my personal budget to feed the cats, I deprive myself of many things, my motto is cats first, so that they can eat first. But the lack of resources is too strong to allow me to buy more kibble.

I also provide them with care (deworming, cleaning of eyes and ears with specific products, care of skin lesions etc...), which is imperative but adds to the expenses, not to mention the purchase of medication and consultations at the vet for serious cases. The vet agrees to treat the cats on credit, fortunately, when the bill is very expensive, he agrees to let me pay in installments.

The grocer also agrees to give me kibble on credit sometimes, but only if I can pay him quickly. I am accumulating debts, because the donations are largely insufficient... I'm terrified that the cats won't get enough to eat, I couldn't sleep at night knowing I couldn't feed the cats waiting for me, it would make me sick."

5. Najat is not asking for money, only kibble to prevent the cats from starving.


"Since I was a little girl, I have been very fond of animals, especially cats. It started little by little, I was feeding some cats, then seeing their condition in the street with time it became a routine. I imagine myself in their place, without shelter or food, mistreated, and often in the grip of disease...

I am proud of what I do, my personal life has changed because of this action, but I don't regret anything, because I am doing something that few people do. Some people think I'm crazy, but I'm happy with my action for these cats. 

I hope to raise awareness of their plight, the lack of awareness is what leads to the lack of sterilisation, the indifference of some towards these cats, the mistreatment of others. But in the immediate future, I am most afraid that I will not be able to feed these cats."

6. If this campaign succeeds, Najat will not receive any money but 1140 kg of kibble, delivered from Animal Webaction's logistics platform in Morocco.

Animal Webaction has a logistic platform in Morocco, which allows us to intervene quickly and deliver kibble throughout the country.

7. As her attempts to find sponsors and partners have remained unsuccessful, Najat only has the support of a few individuals, and she does not know how to get more help.

"When I find a sick cat, I make an announcement to try and raise money, but it often leads to nothing. My posts on Facebook bring me a few donations from time to time. 

Unfortunately I have no sponsors or partners, I have contacted several associations, including in France, but no one has been able to help me so far. I get a little help from a few friends, and sometimes from a few individuals, thanks to whom I have been able to feed the cats over the last few months, but it is not something permanently ongoing."

8. Campaigns launched on Animal Webaction often fail.

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When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the collected products, the beneficiary receives nothing and the buyers get a refund.

9. In Morocco, donors are scarce, and there are no foundations or subsidies. It is very difficult to find funding for kibbles, many cats remain starving in the street!

If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Najat, please invite them to contact us so that we can put them in touch.

If you represent a foundation or an NGO for animal protection, please help Najat's cats, contact us and we will put you in touch!

If you want to help Najat feed the stray cats, or if you want to send her kibble or a check directly, contact her via Facebook (note: direct help is done on your own responsibility).

10. If you make a purchase on Animal Webaction, it will be protected by our guarantees.

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100% safe payment via Paypal or credit card

Verified action

We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter


Sending kibbles

The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibbles bought on its behalf

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Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 7 years

Najat Dialmy
MA Maroc

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