Runny nose, pus-filled eyes, diarrhoea: young Misty isn't in good health...
1,080 kg
Dry food offered
1,080 kg
Dry food necessary
"We usually feed about 100 street cats, spread over about 20 different feeding sites. We also have to look after the 83 most fragile cats and kittens that we have taken off the streets and placed in foster homes.
Unfortunately, a dramatic event has affected the precarious balance of our association... Two illegally occupied camps were evacuated, and many cats were injured or crushed by bulldozers. In total, we have nearly a hundred new cats to feed!
With only 10 bags of kibble in stock, we only have enough for one day! It is unthinkable for us to let all these cats starve to death, but we are not going to be able to buy enough kibble with our own funds. We need your help at all costs... It's an absolute emergency!
"Recently evacuated on the decision of the Prefecture, two illegally occupied camps have been demolished, even though the premises were home to many cats and dogs.
Most of the cats we found there are skeletal, covered in parasites or have scabies. There are also many kittens, but unfortunately not all of them have survived the machineries...
The veterinary expenses incurred to properly care for all these cats will be titanic! Not to mention the kibble, which these poor cats in great distress need so badly... ".
"We found Bella Swan one evening in a gutter. The poor little thing was in a terrible state and skeletal! According to the vet, she was born prematurely at the beginning of June. Her lungs had not yet formed, as she had not been weaned. So she had to be treated.
Although her condition has improved a little, she still has a very significant growth delay and health problems that she will have for life. On some levels, she is not developing normally: she tires very quickly, she is thin, her jaw is malformed and her eyesight is very poor. Without kibble, her condition is likely to deteriorate again, which could be fatal..."
"We don't get any subsidies and have no sponsors. Donations are really very sporadic, and are far from sufficient. As for the Bardot Foundation, no help is possible from them before 2022...
All the money we invest comes from our own pocket, but our resources are limited. Faced with mounting veterinary bills, we don't know what to do anymore! With abandonment rates rising sharply, we no longer have enough money to buy kibble for all the cats. We really need help!"
"As a lifelong animal lover, I cannot bear to see the cats in such distress. As for Dona, she dedicates all her time to these cats, and is completely devoted to them.
She comes home very late, sometimes traps them for hours on end, until the middle of the night... For her, as for me, it is inconceivable that we should let down the cats who rely on us!
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Sending kibbles The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibbles bought on its behalf
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Expertise Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 7 years |