Runny nose, pus-filled eyes, diarrhoea: young Misty isn't in good health...
1,140 kg
Dry food offered
1,140 kg
Dry food necessary
Participate in confidence
Animal Webaction visited the site 01 October 2021 and confirms the situation described below.
"In Essaouira and its surroundings, there are about 500 cats roaming the streets looking for food. Our association works thanks to volunteers, the 'Street Shepherds'. They take care of sterilizing the cats, socializing them and monitoring their health, and they make feeding rounds every day thanks to the kibble we provide.
Tourists have not come back since the pandemic, whereas they used to feed the cats a lot, and as the crisis has affected everyone, we find more and more sick cats, abandoned by their owners who did not have the means to take care of them. And this lack of means threatens us in our turn, the decrease of the donations is drastic and we arrive at the limit of our capacities of help!
Our stock of kibble will be empty in a few days and the Street Shepherds will have nothing left to feed them. If we can't find any kibble, we will have to stop supporting them altogether! In practical terms, if the cats are starving, they attack the garbage and are then less appreciated by the local population, they get diarrhea or other diseases, and they end up starving to death. We then lose all the work that the Street Shepherds have done."
"Belly is a little cat who arrived from Marrakech in a truck. He is a very peaceful cat who never fights with other cats. He walks very badly and therefore can't hunt his own food anymore...
Unfortunately, he is not strong enough to survive in the street without kibble..."
"We currently have 38 cats in the shelter: all disabled or suffering from chronic diseases, it is unthinkable to put them back on the street!
We assume that piling up animals in a shelter without being able to ensure them a quiet and peaceful life is useless. This is why we only take in cats in critical condition. Unfortunately, due to a lack of resources, many cats in distress are still living on the streets without our ability to rescue them...
A recent increase in surgical cases and care for the shelter's residents has cost us a good part of our budget and we can no longer buy food... The less the cats eat, the worse their illnesses become, and the more we spend on veterinary care, and we still can't buy kibble, it's a vicious cycle!"
"Lily was rescued by a volunteer after an accident: the poor girl had to have her front leg amputated...
Being now a tripod, she can't hunt for food or fight her way through the other cats on the street. Without our help she could not survive!"
"Given the current situation, especially since the beginning of the pandemic, donations are becoming increasingly rare and therefore our interventions are more and more complicated. The Covid crisis has also stopped tourism: in the meantime, the cats can't find food in the street, they only depend on us...
The situation is even more complicated as we are already in debt with our kibble supplier, and several other operations are on hold due to lack of funds.
We work on very important files with big NGOs, but they only focus on sterilization and not on feeding. We have no other solution, this harvest must succeed... !"
"Since I arrived in Morocco in 2005, I have always fed street cats... They are an important part of Moroccan culture.
In spite of all the efforts we have made so that the cats can live happily and peacefully, I am afraid that due to lack of means, we will lose all the work we have done for more than 10 years.
As soon as the lack of food is felt, we notice an increase in diseases and especially with the young kittens... This situation becomes difficult to live, I feel powerless. I don't even dare to think about the future, because we don't know at all how it will evolve. I just hope that everything will get better and quickly because we are at the end of our strength!
The survival of the cats depends on the success of this campaign!"
Animal Webaction has a logistics platform in Morocco, which enables us to intervene quickly and deliver kibbles.
"We received help from a big NGO last year during the strict confinement and we do online fundraising for the horses in the shelter, but we can't do so for our cats. Also, most NGOs only help with specific programmes like sterilisation, not food.
We therefore have a stall at the organic market to try to finance kibble, and we report on Facebook about all our actions: at the shelter, in the streets and for sterilisation.
Our goal is to decrease and stabilize the local cat population and to take care of the cats in need... We are not that far from the goal, but at this point we are limited by the lack of funds and I am afraid that we will not have the strength to keep going..."
When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the collected products, the beneficiary receives nothing and the buyers get a refund...
If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Valerie, please invite them to contact us so that we can put them in touch.
If you represent a Foundation or an NGO for animal protection, please help the cats supported by the association, contact us and we will put you in touch!
If you would like to come to Valérie's shelter, or if you would like to send her directly some kibbles or a cheque, please contact her via the association's Facebook page (note: you are entirely responsible for direct help).
Safe payment 100% safe payment via Paypal or credit card |
Verified action We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter
Sending kibbles The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibbles bought on its behalf |
Delivery tracking We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures |
Satisfied buyers Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our 757 Facebook reviews) |
Expertise Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 7 years |