Due to a severe bout of cat flu, poor Atchoum has almost lost sight in one eye!
287,300 cm2
blankets offered
287,300 cm2
blankets necessary
Galette is a 16-year-old cat who has lost a lot of her teeth over the years. The ones she has left now don't allow her to chew her food properly.
Since she can't chew her food, Galette swallows it whole... As a result, her digestive system can't assimilate it, and she vomits very often...
Blankets would ensure that Galette always has a clean, cozy place to sleep. With them, she could be comfortable in her old age.
With covid, we haven't been able to organize any in-store collection for over a year. With 73 street cats to take care of, including 13 kittens, we can no longer manage on our own!