Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 16/12/2021, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Rififi

Little Rififi was limping along the roadside when we found him!
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Canned food for Rififi
Little Rififi was limping along the roadside when we found him!

352 cans

352 cans

Little Rififi was limping along the roadside when we found him!

1. He was abandoned injured on the side of the road!

Rififi is a one and a half month old kitten, that we found on the side of the road. He was limping and trying to move around. We took him in and gave him anti-inflammatories.

2. Canned food would help him gain strength now that he is weaned

Rififi is about to be weaned. So he will need kitten friendly canned food to help him get his energy and continue to grow.

3. We will soon be out of food!

We have resumed the collections in store, but the quantity of kibble collected will not allow us to hold for a long time. In total, we have about 50 cats to feed! Not to mention the veterinary expenses and the many rescues that continue...

Association Les Chats libres de Fleurance
Mairie, place de la République
32500 Fleurance
FR France
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