No longer fast enough for racing, Hope was at risk of the slaughterhouse!
1,920 kg
Dry food offered
1,920 kg
Dry food necessary
Participate in confidence
Animal Webaction visited the site 13 November 2021 and confirms the situation described below.
"The municipality sadly doesn't have the means to buy the food for the dogs at the pound, so that's what myself and 2 others volunteers try to provide, by looking for donors in various ways. Unfortunately, the economic situation is not good and it is affecting everything. The donations we receive have sharply decreased whereas dog food prices are higher than ever...
We are really struggling to procure food and have been forced to reduce the dogs' portions for a while, they do not eat enough. Right now we only have 4 days worth of food left, if we spread it really well... Dogs are starting to show signs of weakness, it makes us sad and scared...
Winter is just around the corner and the shelter is located at the bottom of a mountain, the cold weather and humidity are omnipresent here. If no solution is found to get food, the dogs will continue getting weaker... We provide them with love, but it is not what they need currently... We have a big need for food, bigger than ever so far...."
"Street dogs have a bad time here in Bosnia, they are hungry and because of that, they show aggressive behavior. The local population doesn't understand it and does everything to get rid of them by calling the dogcatchers, who take the strays and bring them to the kill shelter in Sarajevo...
Unfortunately our current lack of food and resources prevent us from bringing more strays to the pound here in Zunovnica. We wish we would to be able to take more dogs or help them in other ways, but without food this becomes impossible...Dogs are left to their own devices on the streets, searching for food while risking being caught...
Dogs in the shelter are also getting weaker and show signs of aggressiveness...This period is really hard to go through because dogs are at the very bottom of people's priorities... We feel like we have exhausted all our options, it's worrying... We need this campaign to succeed so that street and shelter dogs alike can survive..."
"Lora is a 4-year-old female. She's been at the shelter for a couple of months. We found her on a building site near the highway, she was abandoned by her owner there... She was hungry and totally exhausted.
Lora is a sweet dog but she is big and searches for food all the time. As soon as she does not receive it, the effects are being felt on her mood and overall health. She becomes much weaker and inactive. This is the case now, as we've had to reduce her portions.
Lora needs to receive consistent amounts of food everyday otherwise her health will quickly deteriorate... We're out of options... We must ask for your help to try and prevent that from happening. "
"The economic situation has really taken its toll on our actions. It was much easier to get help before, people were more eager and open to communication. Now, as soon as we start asking for help on social media, we feel people getting defensive and conversations are closing.
There are no donations and we are unable to give our money all the time. The people who help us the most regularly don't have the means to fix everything either. We are hoping to find new people who love dogs and have our passion. We are also hoping that the economy will recover so people can be more secure with their finances and perhaps decide to help...
Every time we receive the food from Animal Webaction, the dogs' health and mood get much better, the difference is really felt and we love to see that. We really hope we can make it work this time because our dogs need it..."
"The Zunovnica pound was opened in 2014, I started volunteering there from 2016. There was a long fight to get inside, lots of protest... After some time the worker of the shelter came and was more open to understand us. From there on, we started collecting money for the fences, houses, food…
Unfortunately we do not receive any help from the state, they feel as though they've done their job by opening this shelter and are not involved with the rest. We've been fighting for many years to improve the dogs' living conditions and we still fight today.
We're only a handful of volunteers though and it all comes down to us. If we do not provide, nothing good will come by itself. We really hope more people will see our plight and decide to help our dogs. It would make us so much happier if the dogs were satisfied and full more often...."
Animal Webaction has a logistic platform in Bosnia, which allows us to intervene quickly and deliver kibble.
"We use Facebook to ask our community for help, but it is not enough. At best, it helps us on the short term, but never for long-term solutions. We are lucky enough to be helped by two foreign organisations that help us with adoptions and food when they can. Unfortunately they cannot help us all the time either, so we keep looking for other organizations to give us a hand but haven't had much luck.
Most organizations keep helping the ones they already have connections with and are not willing to help others. We understand it and we keep fighting. At this stage we only hope this campaign will be successful, our dogs need it badly."
When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the products. The organizer doesn't receive anything and the buyers are refunded.
If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Ajla, please invite them to contact us so that we can put them in touch.
If you represent an animal protection foundation or NGO, please help Zunovnica's dogs, contact us and we will put you in touch!
If you want to come to Zunovnica's public shelter or if you want to send some kibbles to Ajla directly or a check, contact her on Facebook (note: direct help is under your own responsibility).
Safe payment 100% safe payment via Paypal or credit card |
Verified action We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter
Sending kibbles The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibbles bought on its behalf |
Delivery tracking We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures |
Satisfied buyers Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our 757 Facebook reviews) |
Expertise Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 7 years |