Diarrhoea, urinary issues: Caramel needs suitable food!
3,240 kg
Dry food offered
3,240 kg
Dry food necessary
Participate in confidence
Animal Webaction visited the site 25 November 2021 and confirms the situation described below.
"We currently have 262 dogs at the shelter. Some dogs were lucky enough to get adopted recently but sadly, for every dog that's leaving there's another one in distress that needs saving...This month alone, we have saved several dogs from desperate states after illnesses or car accidents.
We always face multiple difficulties but at the moment our number 1 issue and greatest concern is food shortage. We gather everything we can to try and feed the dogs, we fight for them, every single day. We cherish every small bag of kibble and encourage people to help even more but unfortunately, we never manage to gather enough food to cover all the dogs' needs.
Right now we have 4 days worth of food and after that we'll be completely out. Animals can get through living in poor conditions, but they can’t survive famine... especially through the Russian winter... It’s difficult to describe my feelings. Panic, anxiety, fear. We can’t let the animals starve. What can we do in order to prevent this? Without your help we simply won’t survive..."
"Almost every day we receive phone calls from people who ask us to take new dogs under our roof. Unfortunately due to our current lack of resources and food in particular, there are a lot of dogs in distress that we can’t save. We are often forced to say no...
Street dogs face many precarious situations in Sochi; I can’t say that our city population treats them very well. It's extremely rare that someone will take it upon themselves to feed a stray dog, let alone decide to bring one home.
Street dogs depend entirely on us to be rescued and fed... And it goes saying that without kibbles, we are not able to do either...If no solution is found to secure a new stock of kibble soon, the dogs on the streets won't survive."
"Izzy is a 2-year-old male, he's been at the shelter for a few months. We found him on a construction site, in concrete and covered in mud. He was allegedly hit by a car...His spine was broken and torn off completel. He underwent surgery but is still paralysed, he can only move his front legs.
Izzy is a kind dog but he is entirely dependent on me, he needs a lot of food for his bones and muscles strength. If I'm no longer able to feed him, Izzy surely won't survive on his own. I can't let another tragedy happen to him..."
"Initially, I organized concerts and was rather wealthy; I could pay for the majority of the shelter’s bills. Ever since the pandemic broke out, I lost my income and I'm still struggling to this day. I can’t sponsor the shelter like I used to... I had to take loans to finance the shelter, my house is used as collateral...
I have many debts, the biggest one being at the vets. Some vets even start refusing to treat my dogs, because I can’t pay the bills... We plea for help online and do get some help from the shelter’s visitors but our donations are unstable and unpredictable.
The help we do receive from donations is like a drop in the ocean, 2-3 bags of kibbles can’t feed over 260 big, adult dogs. This amount is just enough to help us stay on the brink of survival...This food collection would be a life west for us and for our dogs most especially..."
"I always loved animals but one day I saw a post about a poor dog Grisha, which became dear to my heart. I started coming to the shelter once in a while, became friends with the volunteers and started volunteering there myself. We are 4 people coming to the shelter everyday to clean, care for and feed the dogs.
I'm lucky to be surrounded by people who love animals like myself because most people in the area are indifferent to animal suffering; they don't value the volunteer work we do either. They just call us to deal with the problem...
At the end of the day I’m just happy that I helped saving hundreds of animals. I do it from the depth of my heart, sincerely. I’m happy when I see a photo of our dog in a loving family. This is what keeps me going despite the hardships."
Animal Webaction has a logistics platform in Russia, which enables us to intervene quickly and deliver kibbles.
"In Russia we have dozens and dozens shelters which are in the same drastic situation as we are. Unfortunately, no Russian organization, either in Moscow or in Sochi is helping us and neither is the government.
We are happy to call partners 2 French organizations that help us mostly with adoptions. For the rest, the team of volunteers and I do what we can to gather donations, we seek help everywhere.
We always address various companies, asking mostly for food and drugs. Famine is the worst thing we can imagine and we must do everything to try and prevent it. Having this campaign succeed would save us for several months. We need this."
When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the products. The beneficiary doesn't receive anything and the buyers are refunded.
If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Elan, please invite them to contact us so that we can put them in touch.
If you represent an animal protection foundation or NGO, please help Elan's dogs, contact us and we will put you in touch!
If you want to come to Elan's shelter to help her or if you want to send her directly some kibbles or a check, contact Elan via the shelter's Facebook page (note: direct help is under your own responsibility).
Safe payment 100% safe payment via Paypal or credit card |
Verified action We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter
Sending kibbles The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibbles bought on its behalf |
Delivery tracking We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures |
Satisfied buyers Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our 757 Facebook reviews) |
Expertise Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 7 years |