Runny nose, pus-filled eyes, diarrhoea: young Misty isn't in good health...
3,000 kg
Dry food offered
3,000 kg
Dry food necessary
Participate in confidence
Animal Webaction visited the site 03 December 2021 and confirms the situation described below.
"Before the pandemic, we didn’t have so many dogs and it was easier to feed them. Right now we have 137 dogs in the shelter and what feels like never enough food... We do Facebook campaigns whenever we need it but donations are not coming in whatsoever... Everybody is struggling and hanging on to their money.
We feed the dogs to the best of our abilities and for a few weeks, that has meant rationing the dogs' portions to try and make the food last a bit longer... Unfortunately the prolonged lack of food is really starting to become a problem, the dogs are showing signs of aggressivity with each other and their immune defenses are lowering.
This situation is especially unfortunate considering they need even more food than usual to be able to maintain their warmth and overall health during winter...I am very hurt because I am doing everything for these dogs and I am fighting really hard. Food is an elementary need, the most basic and most important one. If the situation lasts, the consequences for the dogs will be devastating..."
"There are too many dogs on the streets since the pandemic and their number just keeps on increasing. Dogs or puppies are abandoned in secluded places : on the edge of forests in garbage cans... They are facing harsh weather and extemely low temperatures, hunger, thirst, diseases...
From time to time some compassionate people call us to let us know they found dogs on the streets who need saving; but overall, the local population does not accept them. That's why the dogs end up abandoned and/or mistreated in the first place... This is very sad.
Our current lack of food, resources and space is extremely detrimental to these dogs because they have no one to help them but us. My heart is very broken when I see that they are suffering and I cannot do more for them... We have all the good intentions in the world but we are really struggling. Without us and without food, they will die... We need some help to be able to help them in return..."
"Moșu is around 10 years old, we rescued him a few weeks ago. When we found him, he was tied to a tree in an acacia plantation, he was clearly mistreated and left there to die on purpose... Now he is living in the shelter and follows an antibiotics treatment because he had scabs all over his body.
He is a good dog but he comes a long way and he is also deaf... That's a daily handicap for him, he's slower to react than other dogs, that makes him more vulnerable overall and he is also very thin still, he does not have much weight on him.
Because they're hungry, the stronger dogs tend to attack the weaker ones and I am really afraid that Mosu will end up in a fight... If that happens, he won't have enough strength to fight and defend himself. It is essential that we have enough kibble so the dogs' aggressivity lowers and Mosu be safe."
"We tried to conduct online fundraising in the name of the association, but donations are very poor, the lowest they've ever been. We live in a very poor area, people have lost their jobs because of the pandemic, everyone is helpless because they don’t have jobs and money.
We're no exception... we have no money, our budget is completely exhausted and on top of the general expenses related to the shelter, we also had many sick dogs recently, which puts a further pressure on us. We have huge debts at the vets for treatments, dewormings etc...
We can’t cope with everything by ourselves because there are too many dogs in the shelter and on the streets, the number is increasing and no one is helping us, neither people or authorities. I really hope Animal Webaction can help our dogs again this time around, they need it!"
"I grew up surrounded by animals, they've always held a special place in my heart. In 2009 I decided to create my own association, Axi Hope Pascani and I've been taking care of dogs ever since.
Before the association, I was a healthy woman, with florishing businesses and everything I wanted. Now I am not as healthy as I used to be and I have problems with sleeping because my heart just doesn’t let me be unconcerned about the dogs' situations...
Despite the harsdhips, I invest myself 100% for these dogs and wouldn't want to quit, this shelter is my biggest and proudest accomplishment to date. That said, I can't help but wonder what will happen to them if I can't feed them anymore, or if I get seriously ill..."
Animal Webaction has a logistics platform in Romania which enables us to intervene quickly and deliver kibbles.
"Here in Romania, there is a mentality issue, most people think that humans are more important than dogs and they don’t understand how much animals need human help. The autorities are very happy that we save them, but in the same time they aren't do anything to try and help us, they don't love animals.
I'm lucky to count on the support of a French association "Les Anges de Lumi", they help me with food from time to time and adoptions, but their possibilities are limited, they cannot help us with everything we need. Their resources and ours are deeply impacted and I no longer know who to turn to... This campaign is my only hope to feed the dogs at this stage."
When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the products. The beneficiary doesn't receive anything and the buyers are refunded.
If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Luminita, please invite them to contact us so that we can put them in touch.
If you represent an animal protection foundation or NGO, please help Luminita's dogs, contact us and we will put you in touch!
If you want to come to Luminita's shelter to help her or if you want to send her directly some kibbles or a check, contact her on Facebook (note: direct help is under your own responsibility).
Safe payment 100% safe payment via Paypal or credit card |
Verified action We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter
Sending kibbles The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibbles bought on its behalf |
Delivery tracking We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures |
Satisfied buyers Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our 757 Facebook reviews) |
Expertise Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 7 years |