Runny nose, pus-filled eyes, diarrhoea: young Misty isn't in good health...
2,400 kg
Dry food offered
2,400 kg
Dry food necessary
Participate in confidence
Animal Webaction visited the site 12 December 2021 and confirms the situation described below.
"There are more and more dogs living in the garbage dumps. I can't even describe the misery of the dogs there, they don't live, they try to survive as best they can... All of them are in bad shape and distressed, if I don't bring them kibble they will eat rubbish and get sick or die of poisoning. In 4 days I won't have anything to bring them, I'm afraid they won't survive!
I would really like to take in more street dogs at the shelter, but the lack of kibble prevents me from doing so. Winter has started, the dogs will have more and more trouble finding food in the rubbish.
I don't have enough personal resources to buy more kibble, and I can't collect donations at all these days... We are only three shelters in the whole country, no one else is helping the street dogs, they can't survive without our help!"
"Little Holly was just found at the dump during Animal Webaction's visit. She has just been born! I don't know anything about her history, I just know that she is very hungry and if I don't take her to the shelter she has very little chance of surviving here...
I expect times to get harder and harder, the number of puppies being born in the rubbish is increasing all the time. We really need volunteers, blankets, resources, food, I hope people will pay more attention and realise how terrible the situation for abandoned animals is here!"
"The number of dogs in the shelter has doubled compared to last year, as we have recently managed to expand the shelter. This means I can save more dogs from certain death at the dump. Even so, that's twice as many dogs to care for and feed! My husband and I are the only ones running the shelter, we can't do it all, we need a lot of help.
On top of that there are the plumbing problems: the water is starting to freeze, so I have to bring hot water to the dogs several times a day. It is always very difficult to warm the dogs in the shelter in winter, but it will be even worse if they don't eat!
The conditions of the dogs at the shelter are better than on the streets, the boxes have a roof and I do my best to look after and feed them all. Unfortunately, it has rained so much lately that the dogs are living in the mud and are therefore very agitated... There is a very big risk that fights will break out if the dogs get hungry, they may lose weight, their immune system will weaken, and they will die..."
"Fred was rescued from the streets of a small village, he was extremely thin. He and all the other fragile dogs are in danger if they don't eat regularly, they won't be strong enough to survive the winter. This kibble collection is our last hope to save Fred and the others, they need to gain weight, or they have no chance to survive..."
"We see a drop in donations every year before Christmas. Before the pandemic, we had more sponsors and fewer dogs, but now it's the other way around. Donations depend a lot on the world situation, holidays, etc. That's why we had a big drop in donations. That's why we've had a drop in donations lately, because people are focused on the holidays, and since the pandemic many have seen their budgets decrease...
Last week, a local bank "Narodna Banka" launched a lottery for the shelters, which gives us a chance to get 75 cans of dog food, but I'm still waiting for their appeal... In the meantime I keep hoping for donations from someone, which probably won't happen, as the holidays are coming up and people are spending a lot on New Year and Christmas.
I have debts to the vets, to the boarding kennels where some of the dogs in critical condition are kept, but also to the kibble supplier. I'm in a financial bind. So this kibble campaign is very important for us!"
"All the closest members of my family are involved in dog rescue in one way or another. My mother and mother-in-law help me with my own children on a daily basis so that I can concentrate on the dogs and take care of them.
I really hope to find homes for most of the dogs, even those who have been in the shelter for a few years already. Some dogs are easily adopted because they are pretty and photogenic, but others are not so pretty, and some even need experienced owners because of their difficult behaviour. In any case, I hope that all of them will eventually find a loving family!
I am really proud of the dogs that have managed to recover physically and mentally. We invest so much time and love in these dogs, and some of them are finally showing good results, good health and good behaviour, which gives them a better chance of finding a home!"
Animal Webaction has a logistics centre in Macedonia which enables us to intervene quickly and deliver kibbles.
"Unfortunately, I can't remember the last time someone came to the shelter to help us. People sometimes come only to abandon their pets on our doorstep. My husband and I feed the dogs and clean their cages, no one else lends a hand... Now that the rainy days are here, it takes us even longer to clean up.
The municipality is planning to launch a campaign to help us and other shelters find homes for abandoned dogs: I really hope there will be some positive changes. Otherwise, the municipality does not care much about abandoned dogs.
However, we have a person who supports us from England, she tries to help from time to time, but no other foundation or foreign association helps us... Especially since Macedonia is not part of the European Union, each delivery costs a lot of money, so sending food from abroad is almost impossible... You are the only ones who can help us!"
When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the products. The beneficiary doesn't receive anything and the buyers are refunded.
If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Ivana, please invite them to contact us so that we can put them in touch.
If you represent an animal protection foundation or NGO, please help Ivana's dogs, contact us and we will put you in touch!
If you want to come to Ivana's shelter to help her or if you want to send her directly some kibbles or a check, contact Ivana via Facebook (note: direct help is under your own responsibility).
Safe payment 100% safe payment via Paypal or credit card |
Verified action We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter
Sending kibbles The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibbles bought on its behalf |
Delivery tracking We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures |
Satisfied buyers Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our 757 Facebook reviews) |
Expertise Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 7 years |