Garfield has after-effects from a bout of cat flu and an operation: he is no longer able to groom himself...
256 cans
256 cans
Itashi is a young cat of about 8 months old, who was found in the shopping area of a supermarket, without his mother.
Since we took him in, the poor little guy has been getting sick all the time: he had coryza, then conjunctivitis. He also got scabies and ringworm. All this has weakened him considerably!
Today, Itashi is unfortunately affected by typhus: he has diarrhea, he vomits and has little appetite. He also has pain in his mouth which prevents him from eating.
Canned food that are very palatable and easy to eat would help Itashi regain his energy. This would be an opportunity for him to gradually get back on track, to triumph over the disease!
We don't have any foster families, and manage about 70 cats. Since June, we are facing a hecatomb : ringworm, scabies, coryza, gastro-enteritis... there have been many deaths ! We thought we were out of it, but a typhus epidemic has just arrived...