Full of worms and emaciated, Prince needs our help!
287,300 cm2
blankets offered
287,300 cm2
blankets necessary
Croûtard is a 4 months old kitten, suffering from a big coryza. His nose is blocked, his eyes are purulent and his respiratory tracts are very congested.
All this is very tiring for him! So we put him under treatment, hoping that his condition will improve...
When we took him in, Croûtard was full of fleas and worms. So we gave him a big antiparasitic treatment.
For his convalescence period, Croûtard will need blankets where he can keep warm. This would make him comfortable and allow him to rest while he recovers.
We have been asked to take care of a catastrophic site, where there are about twenty cats, most of them skinny and very sick.
The veterinary costs involved in treating them will unfortunately take away from the budget for feeding them and providing them with blankets... that's why we need your help!