Animal Webaction
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Canned food for Nikita

With adapted canned food, Nikita's problems have diminished, but we can't afford to buy her this type of food again... she risks relapsing!
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Canned food for Nikita
With adapted canned food, Nikita's problems have diminished, but we can't afford to buy her this type of food again... she risks relapsing!

176 cans

176 cans

With adapted canned food, Nikita's problems have diminished, but we can't afford to buy her this type of food again... she risks relapsing!

1. She has serious digestive problems...

Nikita is a 12 year old cat with digestive problems. She was vomiting all the time and losing weight like crazy! But thanks to the canned food we were able to collect, her condition improved and she vomited less and less often.

Unfortunately, these canned food are expensive. It is totally out of our means to buy them! So we are afraid that Nikita will start to get sicker and sicker without this food...

2. Specialized canned food would keep him from throwing up all the time

With specially designed canned food to limit her problems, Nikita could continue to get the nutrition she needs. Her body would be able to absorb nutrients properly because she would vomit less. This would be a real opportunity for her!

3. We no longer know how to finance our actions!

Stores and supermarkets are saturated with requests for collections from associations. There are no more slots to sign up! So I have to feed all the cats who count on me with my simple pay... it will not be able to last long like that!

Association Des Poils et Des Plumes
155 Avenue de la Mairie
95120 Ermont
FR France

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