As she ages, Maya's health is becoming increasingly frail...
256 cans
256 cans
Melia is a 10 year old cat, who we found outside in tears. The poor girl had a sternum that was caved in and 4 broken ribs. We don't know what happened to her: maybe she got stuck, with her chest compressed?
In any case, it is impossible to operate on her. Her ribs will eventually mend, but her sternum will remain permanently sunken. She is now recovering for at least a month.
Melia has lost most of her teeth, probably with age. She can't eat kibble anymore, because it is almost impossible for her to chew.
A moist, easy-to-eat diet like canned food would help Melia get her energy back. It would help her get back on her feet, despite the difficulties.
We have about 20 cats in long-term foster care. Many of them are unadoptable, because they are sick or too wild.
At the same time, we also have to feed and care for about twenty street cats. This requires a lot of resources, which we are unfortunately beginning to lack!