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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 29/03/2022, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Chaton

Loss of strength, damaged eyes, fatigue: Chaton has a chronic coryza which poisons his life!
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Canned food for Chaton
Loss of strength, damaged eyes, fatigue: Chaton has a chronic coryza which poisons his life!

256 cans

256 cans

Loss of strength, damaged eyes, fatigue: Chaton has a chronic coryza which poisons his life!

1. He is very weakened by an illness...

Chaton is unfortunately suffering from a chronic coryza : the virus has settled down, and never seems to want to leave. The poor Kitten has damaged eyes. He is especially weakened by the disease, and loses little by little his forces...

2. To regain his energy, he will need canned food

Thanks to whole diet canned food, Chaton could gradually regain his strength. Food so enriched with protein would give him back his energy, and perhaps allow him to get strong enough to keep the disease away.

3. Veterinary expenses are eating into our budget!

We care for nearly 100 cats, some of whom are in foster care. Veterinary costs are a huge expense: financially, we are very short.

We encroach on our personal money, because without it, it is impossible to feed the cats. We will need help for the future!

Association Une vie, Un chat
14 Avenue du Canigou
66170 Saint Féliu d'Avall
FR France

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