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Canned food for Omega

Typhus, jaundice, calicivirus: poor Omega is suffering from a series of illnesses and is at the end of his rope!
photo association
Canned food for Omega
Typhus, jaundice, calicivirus: poor Omega is suffering from a series of illnesses and is at the end of his rope!

256 cans

256 cans

Typhus, jaundice, calicivirus: poor Omega is suffering from a series of illnesses and is at the end of his rope!

1. Illnesses have made him fragile...

Omega is a 4 years old cat. When he was little, he had typhus, a disease that is fatal in most cases. He was weakened, but survived.

This summer he also had jaundice. This condition was probably related to a liver disorder. He came out very tired...

2. He has trouble eating because of a virus!

Omega is now suffering from a calicivirus. He drools because his gums are inflamed. It's painful, so much so that he has a lot of trouble eating and can't chew.

3. With adapted canned food, he could gain strength again

Wet food like canned food would be perfect for Omega to replenish his energy. He would only have to swallow the food, without having to chew it, which would greatly reduce his pain.

4. We are almost out of money!

Our association has been running since 2016. We take in the most needy cats, and also do outdoor feeding.

Even if we receive some donations, we have to finance our actions with our personal funds. Unfortunately, we are reaching our limits: our stocks are almost empty!


Association SOS Chat 93
36, rue Laennec
93110 Rosny sous bois
FR France
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