Little Grizou was born outside!
192 cans
192 cans
Chouty is a cat with calicivirus. Her gums are inflamed, and she's starting to get micro lesions in her mouth. It's so painful that she can't chew!
Chouty has kidney failure. Her kidneys have a reduced activity and do not rid her enough of the toxins that accumulate in her body. She is therefore tired and skinny.
With easy-to-ingest wet canned food, Chouty could eat more easily. She would suffer a lot less, and start eating enough to put on some weight again.
We take care of nearly a hundred cats, some of which are in foster care. Veterinary costs are a huge expense: financially, we are very short.
We encroach on our personal money, because without it, it is impossible to feed the cats. We will need help for the future!