Hit by a car, little Aventine suffered a broken femur!
2,000 kg
Dry food offered
2,000 kg
Dry food necessary
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Animal Webaction visited the site 09 April 2022 and confirms the situation described below.
"When the dogs in my shelter do not eat enough kibble, they become aggressive and end up fighting with each other! Unfortunately, as I only have a few days' worth of kibble left in stock, I have found no other solution than to ration them: a situation which, in the medium term, could cost them their lives...
So I'll have to go and get some kibble with my own money. But here's the thing: as I have very little money, I'm going to buy first price kibble... The problem is that the last time I bought this type of kibble, the dogs had violent diarrhea and vomiting which weakened them considerably. It is vital for my dogs to eat good quality kibble!
Before the war in Ukraine, my small pension allowed me to buy kibble, of poor quality of course, but at least the dogs were not hungry... Since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, the prices have increased so much that I am not even able to buy them anything to feed them! I'm afraid that prices will continue to rise, I'm afraid that I won't be able to feed them anymore, that some of them will die for lack of kibble: I love them so much, they are part of my family, this kibble campaign is my last chance to save them..."
"The number of stray dogs in distress is increasing every day. As I lack kibble at the shelter, many of them have to continue roaming the streets although their situation is terrible! The population does not accept them and does everything possible to get rid of them in a very barbaric way! Hungry, sick, injured or badly hit, they have very little chance of surviving without my help.
Sterilising, vaccinating, feeding and welcoming street dogs to the shelter is the only solution to save them and give them a chance to be adopted, but with a stock of kibble close to zero, I have become completely powerless...
I have no support from the municipality, donors or other associations to feed the street dogs, I can only rely on myself and my meagre pension. I am heartbroken, I would like more than anything to be able to save these poor animals from this tragic fate again, but for that I need this kibble campaign to succeed..."
"Bruno, like many dogs living on the street, was in a terrible state when I found him... His body was covered in ticks and other parasites making him extremely fragile. The lack of food prevented him from fighting off infections, so it was vital that he was treated immediately ...
Today, thanks to medication and life in the shelter, he is finally cured! Unfortunately, his sad past will have left its mark on him: he will not survive another episode of starvation, he will die!"
"In Serbia, the population is very poor, people are barely surviving, and the Covid 19 pandemic has made us even poorer... Before, it was already very difficult to get help from locals because animals are culturally not a priority, but since the Corona Virus and the war in Ukraine, it has become clearly impossible! This lack of interest of the Serbian population towards animals is a real brake on my actions: I receive no help, neither from the municipality, nor from private individuals...
I am even more limited financially as I am already in debt to the vet, and with all the expenses I have every month at the shelter in addition to the purchase of kibble, it is impossible for me to pay them back! The increase in prices due to the war in Ukraine only makes the situation worse: this kibble campaign is my only hope, I couldn't watch the dogs starve..."
"My dedication and love for what I do comes from my father who has always cared for animals in need. Thanks to him and everything he taught me, I founded the P.U.Ž. association in 2012. Initially, I rented a plot of land privately and started taking abandoned dogs in, the ones that I was regularly feeding on the street.
Since then, I have rescued more than 350 dogs without any outside help! I have built a great place where 118 dogs are currently staying, all of whom have been identified, vaccinated, sterilised and are just waiting to be adopted by a loving family. I have sacrificed my whole life to the dogs and this shelter, I will never stop fighting for them!"
Animal Webaction has a logistics platform directly in Serbia, which enables us to intervene quickly and deliver kibbles.
"Despite my many attempts, I have not managed to create partnerships with foreign associations: there are so many shelters in need that all the animal protection organisations are overwhelmed... So I am left alone to manage and pay for everything with my pension.
I recently received a little help from my friends at the Orka association in Germany, but unfortunately, they can't afford to buy enough kibble for all my dogs either... The only help I can really count on is from Animal Webaction, I don't know what my dogs would become without their community...
As for me, I will never give up, I will continue to sacrifice myself for the dogs in need, these defenseless beings do not deserve their fate! Today, I wish more than anything that this kibble campaign succeeds, because it will allow me to save the lives of hundreds of dogs, no living being can survive without eating!"
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When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the products. The beneficiary doesn't receive anything and the buyers are refunded.
If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Sladja, please invite them to contact us so that we can put them in touch.
If you represent an animal welfare foundation or NGO, please help Sladja's dogs, please contact us and we will put you in touch!
If you would like to come to Sladja's shelter to help her or if you would like to send her kibbles or a check directly, please contact Sladja via the association's Facebook page (note: direct help is your own responsibility).
Safe payment 100% safe payment via Paypal or credit card |
Verified action We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter
Sending kibbles The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibbles bought on its behalf |
Delivery tracking We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures |
Satisfied buyers Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our 757 Facebook reviews) |
Expertise Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 7 years |