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Canned food for Andy

Poor Andy had to be amputated of his hind legs!
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Canned food for Andy
Poor Andy had to be amputated of his hind legs!

132 cans

132 cans

Poor Andy had to be amputated of his hind legs!

1.He was hit by a car and then left to die!

Andy is a 4-year-old dog who used to live in a dump in Macedonia. While living there, a car ran over his back legs, tail and ran off... He was wandering wounded for a few weeks before being taken to the vet. He had severe infections in his blood and bones and unfortunately he had to have his two legs and his tail amputated.

2. With canned food, he could regain his strength

Andy is now safe in our shelter in France but he needs a lot of medical care. He's in a trolley most of the time, he needs to be watched and overall, needs a lot of care and attention. He's a super little chap but he's definitely among our most vulnerable dogs! Canned food will be essential to help him regain his strength and maintain a stable health condition.

3. Vet bills are destroying us! 

Many of our dogs have handicaps and illnesses that require life-long treatments, special medication, attention and care. With 22 special needs dogs out of a total of 40, our vet bills are incredibly high! Food-wise, we used to receive pallets of wet food from the UK but ever since Brexit, that help has now ceased. We need some help providing wet food for our dogs!

Association Raggie Dog Retreat
lieu-dit La Ragotière
49220 La Jaille-Yvon
FR France

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