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Pellets for Sirocco

Lung problems, skin problems: Sirocco sometimes has trouble breathing, and can scratch himself to the point of blood!
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Pellets for Sirocco
Lung problems, skin problems: Sirocco sometimes has trouble breathing, and can scratch himself to the point of blood!

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Lung problems, skin problems: Sirocco sometimes has trouble breathing, and can scratch himself to the point of blood!

1. He suffers from respiratory problems...

Sirocco is a 22 year old horse, who has emphysema. He often has attacks, during which he coughs and has a lot of trouble breathing. It is therefore important to avoid contact with dust, which triggers his illness.

2. Skin problems make him scratch himself to death!

Sirocco has dermatitis. He needs a special blanket and a treatment, otherwise he has itching all over his body, and scratches until he bleeds!

3. Moistened pellets would reduce his chances of having a recurrence.

Hay contains too much dust. So for Sirocco to continue to gain strength without risk, he would need a diet like pellets.

Humidified, they would allow him to fill up with vitamins on a daily basis. Perhaps such a high quality food would also help to soothe his skin problems.

4. We have 250 animals to manage!

Right now, the situation is complicated. We have a lot of rescues going on, and over 250 animals to manage. Many of the horses are old and sick. In view of the care and the number of animals, the donations are unfortunately not enough...

Association Au bonheur animal
11 rue d'Hautrage
7322 Ville-Pommeroeul
BE Belgique
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