Becoming blind, old Zephyr is overrun with parasites!
256 cans
256 cans
A Pas de Chats decided to move forward the ending date of their campaign because the quantity left in their stock of canned food is highly critical. They are conscious that it might increase the risk of failure of this campaign.
Grisou is a 2 years old cat, that we found in the street with a big coryza (not neutered, not identified). He is weak and very tired. Because his airways are congested, he also has a lot of trouble breathing.
In order to regain his strength despite his illness, Grisou will need canned food that are very rich in vitamins. Such a diet would help him to get back on track little by little!
Not long ago, we were still at 300 cats to take care of, with a deficit of several thousand euros. Unfortunately, there have been many deaths, as well as a few adoptions. So the number of cats has decreased, but we still need help!