In a critical condition, poor Yellow had to be hospitalised!
2,000 kg
Dry food offered
2,000 kg
Dry food necessary
Participate in confidence
Animal Webaction visited the site 15 May 2022 and confirms the situation described below.
"Every day everything becomes more difficult than the previous one: the number of abandoned dogs in the region is constantly increasing, while the 315 dogs I already take care of at the shelter do not eat enough... On top of that, I am alone, there are no volunteers to help me with the daily tasks at the shelter, just my brother who comes to support me from time to time.
I don't get any financial help from the local population, nor from the government, I don't have any regular funding to rely on, only donations which have almost totally stopped since the pandemic and now the war in Ukraine... I feel helpless and I am constantly afraid that I will not be able to feed the dogs!
I only have enough kibble for tomorrow, and that's it! I have to fight every day, just to make sure the dogs will eat. I'm always there working and helping, I never rest, I have huge difficulties to find some kibble for the next day, it's a constant struggle, every day is the same... I don't even want to imagine what could happen to the shelter if I don't get any kibble from this campaign!"
"It's already getting very hot here, even though summer hasn't started... The dogs live outside and unfortunately because of the lack of shade they will have to endure the sun, heat and dehydration. I'm going to have to worry about fresh water as much as possible so that they can cope this summer. Coupled with the fact that they are not eating enough, I am afraid they will become restless, easily upset, and start fighting with each other over kibble...
I am tired and sad, the situation is serious: I can't even make sure the dogs have the bare minimum... I can't give them enough good quality kibble and it breaks my heart. I've even had to reduce their daily portion of food to avoid not having any left...
My fear is that I won't be able to find a way to get kibble and they will get sick. I hope to be able to give these dogs a good life, because they really deserve it. I need this campaign to be successful so that I can feed the dogs, but more importantly allow them to survive the extreme conditions of the Serbian summer..."
"Pimka belonged to a homeless man, and when that man died, we took her into the shelter because she is unable to fend for herself... She has a lot of trouble getting along with other dogs, she is always being attacked for kibble, so I try to keep her away from other dogs as much as possible: at least she doesn't get bitten anymore! She needs to get her strength back so that one day she can be adopted and have the chance of a better life. Unfortunately, this will not be possible without kibble..."
"Before the pandemic, I received more donations and volunteers sometimes visited me to help me with my daily tasks. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the situation has worsened, and even the number of adoptions has dropped... The situation has worsened in almost every respect!
Every dog has to be seen by the vet, but I can't afford to pay him! The bills are piling up, and I have no way to start paying them... Prices have gone up, families have less and less purchasing power and I have to continue to look after the dogs without help.
The shelter has only one full time employee and that is not enough for 315 dogs. I don't even have time to clean everything properly. It's so hard to do everything by myself! I will be forever grateful if this kibble campaign succeeds, the dogs don't deserve this life, I want to continue to help them but to do that I need help to feed them..."
"My story at the shelter began in the summer of 2007, when a group of young people got together to help create it. After building the foundations, most of the volunteers left, but I decided to stay. I didn't have the heart to leave them, so I decided that I would do everything in my power to help the animals in need. If I don't help them, no one will or the dogs will have to be euthanized. I work tirelessly, without rest, but it is worth it if I can help every abandoned animal in pain. I am already proud of every dog I have rescued...
Unfortunately, no one wants to get involved to help me, so it's just me fighting for these animals. But there are too many helpless dogs and at this stage I can't do everything on my own. This shelter is the main shelter of the municipality, which unfortunately supports us too little... The town hall gives me a little bit of kibble every month, but it's far from enough, especially since the quantity doesn't change while the number of dogs is increasing..."
Animal Webaction has a logistics platform directly in Serbia, which enables us to intervene quickly and deliver kibbles.
"The Becej shelter receives unconditional support from the association 'Nobody's Dog France', but nobody else helps us except them, and they don't have unlimited financial means either... On our Facebook and Instagram pages, we regularly post appeals for help, fundraisers, updates on our situation to keep people informed, and we also post pictures of the dogs that can be adopted. We always try to ask for help from local and global organisations, unfortunately, until today, we have had no support...
I'm just desperate and sad, everything is expensive nowadays, people don't have money or they are busy, so they forget about the dogs or don't have the means to help them. I need this campaign to succeed so I can feed the dogs in the shelter and on the street too... I'm afraid the dogs will starve if it fails!"
In Serbia, street dogs are hunted by the State and ignored by the population, volunteers like Sladja are their only hope!
If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Kristina, please invite them to contact us so that we can put them in touch.
If you represent an animal protection foundation or NGO, please help Becej's dogs, contact us and we will put you in touch with Kristina!
If you would like to go to the association's shelter to help or if you would like to send kibbles or a cheque directly to Kristina, contact her via her association's page on Facebook (note: direct help is your own responsibility).
Safe payment 100% safe payment via Paypal or credit card |
Verified action We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter
Sending kibbles The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibbles bought on its behalf |
Delivery tracking We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures |
Satisfied buyers Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our 757 Facebook reviews) |
Expertise Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 7 years |