Hit by a car, little Aventine suffered a broken femur!
132 cans
132 cans
Paloma is a dog who was for a long time the sufferer of several hunters. She was tied up, deprived of care and regularly beaten...
Because of all this abuse, Paloma's spine is completely twisted. She has severe pain from her neck to her tail... every movement makes her scream! So far, no treatment has had any effect. We hope that the recent visit of the osteopath will help her in the long run.
Paloma would be greatly comforted by tasty and nutritious food after all she has been through. They would allow her to regain her strength, and perhaps to gradually regain her confidence in life...
In the last few weeks, we have had a series of emergencies. The veterinary expenses are considerable... We tried to make appeals for donations, but with the crisis, people are impacted. They don't have the means to help us anymore!