Thinness, mouth pain, inflammation: poor Bagheera has a calicivirus!
920 kg
Dry food offered
920 kg
Dry food necessary
Participate in confidence
Animal Webaction visited the site 11 August 2022 and confirms the situation described below.
"The situation of the street cats under my care is still extremely alarming! In addition to the lack of kibble and the heat, the summer season is the scene of the worst spread of viruses from which cats are currently suffering... Abandonments, especially of cats in heat and pregnant females, are constantly on the rise, and these diseases are likely to spread even further if I don't quickly find kibble and the money to pay for their medication and care.
Street cats are not getting enough to eat at the moment, as it is very difficult for me to buy kibble: donations are totally decreasing, and I don't have enough money to feed them, to take care of them or even to sterilize them... However, the ones I feed and that I managed to sterilize are less aggressive and fight less, so they have less risk of being injured, or having badly healed wounds that can get infected or lead to abscesses with often serious consequences. ..
I'm afraid their health will deteriorate, they are already so fragile... The success of the previous Animal Webaction campaign was a great relief for them, as they were able to eat their fill! Unfortunately, I'm coming to the end of this lull as I only have a week of kibble left! My cats won't be able to stand this forced diet for long... This campaign is vital for their survival, if it fails they may starve to death!"
"The cats that I feed in the neighbourhoods have developed many diseases like scabies, ringworm and coryza. They are weak because of the lack of kibble and these viruses are starting to spread more and more among them... I am stressed, I am looking for a solution, I don't sleep well when my cats don't have enough to eat and I spend whole nights thinking about their situation... I feel a great sorrow for them...
I am the only one who feeds them daily and soon I won't be able to do so, if I don't find some kibble as soon as possible... At the moment I only feed them once a day, as I had to start reducing their portions last week. It's vital that this campaign succeeds, I'm pinning all my hopes on it because no one cares for these cats if I don't, no one tries to understand or feel their suffering and without kibble they might starve to death!"
"Linda, 6 months old, is a street cat who suffers from coryza and has had severe diarrhoea due to malnutrition. I don't have a shelter to take her in so I'm caring for her directly on the street. I am very worried, she is very shy and does not let herself be approached easily. She only has me and if her condition continues to deteriorate, she could lose her sight. But that's not all, she has also lost too much weight and is in danger of dying if her diarrhoea continues... Kibble rich in vitamins and proteins will give her everything she needs to regain her strength and allow her to gain weight little by little.
"The total drop in donations and the lack of money don't allow me to buy kibble to feed the cats but also medicines and prevent me from carrying out sterilisations and treatments. I have vet debts but I get no help! I posted a vet bill on my Facebook page more than 2 months ago, but I only received help from one person, which was only enough to cover a small part of the amount while the rest of the amount is still unpaid...
Between the increase of the price of food, the price of kibble and the increase in the number of cats abandoned that follows the start of the new school year, the situation is not likely to improve. It often happens that people who adopt a cat to entertain their children during summer, end up abandoning it after the start of the school year, that is why the number of abandoned cats is still growing..."
"I started my actions for animals in 2014: I was giving food leftovers to the cats around my house. At that time, I was taking care of about 20 cats, then day by day their number increased. Today, I have more than 95 cats, which I take care of thanks to donations. Indeed, all my actions can be implemented thanks to the donations I receive, and without them, I cannot continue to feed, help or sterilize the cats. My dream would be to have a shelter one day to welcome and protect all the street cats...
In addition to feeding and caring for them, I sterilize cats to stop their proliferation and vaccinate them to prevent the spread of diseases, which makes my actions indispensable! In the future, I would like to be able to sterilize and vaccinate as many cats as possible and make people aware of their poor fate. Thanks to me, there has been a small breakthrough: people have become a little more aware of the misery that cats live in the streets. Unfortunately, this awareness is not enough to bring donations or concrete help and because of the lack of kibble, I now have to be content with making only small feeding rounds..."
Animal Webaction has a logistics platform in Morocco, which enables us to intervene quickly and deliver kibble.
"This time of crisis is extremely complicated and I can't finance the bags of kibble... I don't get any help to buy any! Only Monique from 'Straycare International' helps me from time to time to buy some bags but only in small quantities. With her, we also sterilize a few cats, on average 4 to 10 per month. It's not much and we often have to stop because of lack of means and donations, but it's still positive, because unlike sterilizations, adoptions are at a standstill: I haven't done any adoption for more than a year...
The sale of cat accessories, which I had developed before, does not work well: it barely allows me to cover the costs of antibiotics, even the cheap ones. So I contacted an English organisation 'Network For Animals'. I'm currently waiting to hear back from them so that they can come and visit my home and maybe help me pay the vet bills. I really hope that this visit will be positive because at the moment, people don't donate like they used to... Any help is welcome, and even small contributions allow me to continue to feed and care for all these poor abandoned cats..."
When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the products. The beneficiary doesn't receive anything and the buyers are refunded.
If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Kawthar, please invite them to contact us so that we can put them in touch with each other.
If you represent an animal welfare foundation or NGO, please help the cats that Kawthar cares for, contact us and we will put you in touch!
If you wish to help Kawthar on site or if you want to send her kibble or a cheque directly, contact her on Facebook (note: direct help is done on your own responsibility).
Safe payment 100% safe payment via Paypal or credit card |
Verified action We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter
Sending kibbles The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibbles bought on its behalf |
Delivery tracking We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures |
Satisfied buyers Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our 757 Facebook reviews) |
Expertise Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 7 years |