Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 06/09/2022, discover the delivery pictures.
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Blankets for Anita

Nursing her 5 kittens requires a lot of energy from Anita...
photo association
Blankets for Anita
Nursing her 5 kittens requires a lot of energy from Anita...

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Nursing her 5 kittens requires a lot of energy from Anita...

1. Breastfeeding makes her tired...

Anita is a cat that we found in the street with her 5 babies. She has been breastfeeding them for a month, but she is starting to show signs of fatigue...

2. With blankets, she could take time to rest

Blankets would be a great support for Anita during this exhausting time for her. They would give her a soft and comfortable place to rest with her kittens.

3. We need support...

We have set up a secure garden with cottages for 68 cats, and at the same time we feed about 30 street cats. Unfortunately, our stock of blankets is reduced to zero. Between the veterinary costs and all the kittens and their mothers that need to be cared for, we can't afford to buy any more blankets...


Association Boule de Poils
Hôtel de Ville
19 rue Pierre Mendès France - BP 621
27400 Louviers
FR France

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