Garfield has after-effects from a bout of cat flu and an operation: he is no longer able to groom himself...
192 cans
192 cans
Loki is a-7-year-old cat, who has tested positive for FIV. He has not yet declared the disease, but it could strike at any time. His immune system would then be less and less efficient, which would make him very fragile!
Three weeks ago, Loki had to be hospitalized to remove urinary stones that were blocking his urethra. And a week ago, he had to go back to the clinic, because of a urinary infection...
A diet adapted to urinary stones could be a good support for Loki. Such canned food would help him to stay hydrated, and not increase his risk of being hospitalized again.
At the moment, we absolutely need specific food for sick cats. But with 3,200 euros of veterinary expenses pending, it is impossible to find funds to buy our kitties something to eat!