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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 06/10/2022, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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Pellets for Tom

Poor Tom was tied up in the dark, with nothing to eat or drink!
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Pellets for Tom
Poor Tom was tied up in the dark, with nothing to eat or drink!

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Poor Tom was tied up in the dark, with nothing to eat or drink!

1. As a result of abuse, he was stunted in his growth...

Tom is a one-year-old bull, that we took in after a seizure. The poor thing was living tied up in the dark, with no food or water... So he was considerably stunted!

2. With pellets, he could gain weight 

A complete and rich diet like pellets would help Tom finish growing more normally. It would be an opportunity for him to replenish his vitamins and gain weight.

3. We had a large unexpected rescue! 

We had to do a big rescue of 12 horses not long ago. With the 40 or so equines (donkeys, horses, ponies) that we were already taking care of, it's starting to be a lot... it's becoming difficult to find the finances to care for and feed them all!

Association Au bonheur animal
11 rue d'Hautrage
7322 Ville-Pommeroeul
BE Belgique
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