No longer fast enough for racing, Hope was at risk of the slaughterhouse!
920 kg
Dry food offered
920 kg
Dry food necessary
Participate in confidence
Animal Webaction visited the site 16 October 2022 and confirms the situation described below.
"I take care of 95 street cats in different parts of the city. Their number is increasing because there are new abandonments every day... Moreover, breeding season is barely over and many cats are not sterilised, so their population grows even more with the births.
Their living conditions are terrible: they are mistreated, they suffer from various, very contagious diseases (like coryza) and they are malnourished... Taking care of, sterilising and feeding such a large number of cats has become unaffordable with inflation: I am facing a cruel lack of donations and financial resources!
I barely have a week's worth of kibble left to feed the cats and in small portions. Now I can only feed them once a day. I am helpless and alone to feed all these abandoned cats; they are so fragile... They rely on me and will not survive without kibble!"
"The cats are more and more numerous in the neighbourhoods and as I am the only one to feed them, the feeding rounds take me a lot of time... My remaining stock of kibble is almost gone and I have no other choice than to feed them less, and less often...
I can see how it affects their health; many of the cats are significantly losing weight, some have frequent diarrhoea and they often fight over food. They are hungry and survival instincts take over... It's the survival of the fittest!
These situations are dangerous, especially for the most vulnerable cats: they are weakened and fall ill quickly with the lack of food. Coryza is decimating the stray cats in my neighbourhood. I am very afraid for their health and their condition will only get worse if this campaign fails..."
"Karfi is a very young male who has been on the street since he was born... He is extremely fearful and suffers from coryza, which weakens him a lot. His eye is always red and his nose is always running, despite the treatments I give him.
The problem is that the treatment alone will not be enough! He needs to eat enough kibble to absorb it properly, gain weight and recover. Without this kibble delivery, his condition will get worse and he risks catching other diseases..."
"With inflation, my animal accessories business no longer works, so I don't have this source of income anymore to help me cover cat care-related expenses and kibble. I'm heavily in debt to the vet and kibble prices have gone through the roof!
The current state of the economy is not favourable at all to donations, people no longer have the means to donate... This lack of donations affects me as much as my associative supporters: they depend on donations too and it is impossible for them to continuously help me, their room for manoeuvre is limited.
Without donations, I cannot finance the sterilisation of street cats, which is crucial to limit their population. And I can't afford to buy kibble for their increasing number... I need people's support! I need this campaign to succeed or I won't be able to feed the cats..."
"When I was a little girl, I used to help the stray cats in my neighbourhood by feeding and caring for them. I am the only person in my neighbourhood who cares about them... Everyone complains about the proliferation of stray cats in the streets, but when it comes to doing something about it, most people do nothing...
Even though I have some of them sterilised whenever I can afford it, it is less and less possible because of the lack of donations. Yet, it is essential for their well-being, at all levels - reducing their numbers means reducing the risk of spreading diseases and allowing them all to eat their fill.
For me, caring for a cat is like saving a soul. I'd like to do better and more for them. I just need a little support from people, to be encouraged, to be helped... It really depresses me whenever I see a cat in the street, suffering because it is mistreated and starving..."
Animal Webaction has a logistics platform in Morocco, which enables us to intervene quickly and deliver kibble.
"A Belgian organisation helps me to cover some expenses for the cats, such as veterinary care (especially sterilisations), as well as food... I'm very grateful for what they do, but unfortunately, they are facing a drop in donations and this is affecting the help they give me... For now, I can't have any more cats sterilised, as there are not enough donations, and I don't have any new supporters to help me...
I continue to communicate about my actions with street cats on Facebook. I don't have a place to take them in, so they are completely dependent on the care and food I give them. Very few of them will have the chance to be taken in and adopted one day. So, in the meantime, with such an influx of new cats on the streets, I have no other solution than the success of this campaign to continue caring for them and feeding them!"
When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the products. The beneficiary doesn't receive anything and the buyers are refunded.
collage pays
If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Kawthar, please invite them to contact us so that we can put them in touch with each other.
If you represent an animal welfare foundation or NGO, please help the cats that Kawthar cares for, contact us and we will put you in touch!
If you wish to help Kawthar on site or if you want to send her kibble or a cheque directly, contact her on Facebook (note: direct help is done on your own responsibility).
Safe payment 100% safe payment via Paypal or credit card |
Verified action We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter
Sending kibbles The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibbles bought on its behalf |
Delivery tracking We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures |
Satisfied buyers Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our 757 Facebook reviews) |
Expertise Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 10 years |