Blocked bronchi, red gums, missing teeth: Tina has cat flu and a calicivirus!
1,600 kg
Dry food offered
1,600 kg
Dry food necessary
Participate in confidence
Animal Webaction visited the site 23 October 2022 and confirms the situation described below.
“I have 170 dogs under my care at the shelter, so space is really lacking and since adoptions are nonexistent, it’s impacting my actions even more. Additionally, the lack of food is also deeply felt… It’s a big struggle to feed my shelter’s dogs, they require tons of kibble monthly that I can no longer buy!
Inflation makes everything extremely expensive, kibble prices have doubled and as the amount of donations I get is also affected (almost none), I don’t have enough resources to provide my dogs with kibble… I now only have enough kibble for five days, if I keep on feeding them with rationed portions.
I have to solve this kibble issue to keep my dogs fed. None of them would make it out alive in the wild: they can’t survive in the streets and all rely on me to feed them! I’m constantly stressed-out, waking up at night wondering how I’m going to get kibble for the dogs…"
"Kibble supply is my biggest difficulty and it directly affects my dogs: they don’t eat enough and each morning, they wake up hungry and nervous! Now, the only food left is a very low stock of poor quality kibble, from a while back, that I have to ration as it's depleting… It’s too unhealthy and insufficient!
During the summer, my dogs could manage to make it with meagre portions as they don’t have their normal, healthy appetite because of the scorching heat. Now, winter is coming and my dogs are cruelly lacking essential nutrients, vitamins and calories to face freezing temperatures.
Switching kibble for cheaper, unfit alternatives (leftovers, chicken, cornmeal…) won’t benefit my dogs’ health at all! Many are already vulnerable, being disabled, ill, ageing or very young… They need care and treatment and they won’t recover nor will they stay healthy without this kibble delivery!"
"Mami is a friendly three-year-old dog that I found a few months ago in the streets. She only has one eye, her left eye having been severely injured… She was also extremely thin and had puppies - I could not leave her and her babies on the streets, where they weren’t going to survive for long.
I don’t know how she lost her eye, but it doesn’t seem to be from birth so it was either by accident or maybe human abuse… The dogs’ living conditions are harsh outside in the streets and their presence is considered a nuisance by many people…
She has to undergo surgery very quickly, now, to avoid further infection. She is among my most vulnerable dogs, having experienced life in the streets with puppies, being injured and underweight. If the campaign succeeds, she will be able to recover faster, with much needed nutrients and vitamins."
"Before inflation made people’s financial situations worse, I was able to finance most of the kibble expenses with donations. Now, they’re at a standstill and my salary is far from enough, knowing I have many dogs to take care of and feed… Every shelter-related cost is now so expensive.
At this point, I owe an enormous amount of money when it comes to the vets or food supplier… I’ve never accumulated so many debts! I had to postpone several dogs’ surgeries because I can’t pay for them at the moment. It’s the worst situation I’ve ever been in…
I’m constantly thinking about how to get kibble. Covering my dogs’ needs gets harder each day: I may try to make my kibble stock last by feeding them less, it won’t last for long and it will impact their health. I run out of options and this campaign is my last resort to feed my dogs for a little while…"
"My shelter’s actions are focused on rescuing fragile dogs that are either young, old, injured or particularly in danger, living in the streets. Once you start a shelter or rescuing animals, there’s no turning back; it becomes a life’s calling, a purpose. It’s amazing to work among dogs, they’re not complicated!
I have 3 volunteers who help me on a regular basis, but whenever I find myself alone at the shelter, I realise I don’t have enough strength and energy to cope with everything on my own. And I know many other shelters are struggling too, right now, because we all lack manpower, resources, food…
There’s so much more that must be done and improved in terms of animals’ rights, condition and welfare, throughout Serbia but also globally! Caring for dogs is so rewarding to me… They’re not just some other “useless mouth to feed”, they’re living beings who have feelings and emotions, too!"
Animal Webaction has a logistics centre in Serbia which allows us to intervene quickly and deliver kibble.
"I collaborate with a Dutch organisation and they help me raise money, collect blankets, antiparasitics or food when they are able to do so... I also met some people from a Czech organisation whom I helped rescue a dog - they are very willing to help me so it’s still very appreciated and valuable!
I use Facebook to raise awareness about the dogs’ treatment in Serbia and other neighbouring countries, to communicate on my rescues, actions or on adoptions… The latter haven’t been happening much lately, so it’s clear that the economic situation is playing a great part in it…
Occasionally, some individual supporters help me, but lately it's not possible to cover the dogs’ needs with donations only. They’re just too scarce… I need more support, it’s become financially trying to care for and feed my dogs. Their number doesn’t decrease and I can’t let any of them down, starving…"
Liste des récoltes échouées
When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the products. The beneficiary doesn't receive anything and the buyers are refunded.
If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Svetlana, please invite them to contact us, so that we can put them in touch.
If you represent a foundation or an NGO for animal protection, please help Sveltana's dogs, contact us and we will put you in touch!
If you wish to go to the association's shelters to help or if you want to send her directly some kibbles or a cheque, contact Svetlana (note: direct help is done on your own responsibility).
Safe payment 100% safe payment via Paypal or credit card |
Verified action We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter
Sending kibble The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibble bought on its behalf |
Delivery tracking We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures |
Satisfied buyers Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our 757 Facebook reviews) |
Expertise Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 10 years |