Poor Toronto is skeletal!
256 cans
256 cans
Gremlins is a 12 years old cat, that we took in after the death of her owner. She unfortunately suffers from stress-related eczema: she scratches so much that she has sores all over her body. Because of this, we fear that she will never be adopted...
With age, Gremlins has lost teeth. And since the remaining ones are not in good condition, it has become impossible for her to chew.
A moist, easy-to-ingest diet like canned food seems to be the best option for Gremlins. Suitable for her age, such a food would help her regain her strength, and perhaps help calm her down a bit.
We are a small association, so it is difficult for us to deal with all the abandonments that are happening right now. Overwhelmed, we don't have time to organize in-store collections. Feeding the fifty or so cats that rely on us is becoming more and more complicated!