Hit by a car, little Aventine suffered a broken femur!
192 cans
192 cans
Miroux is a ten year old cat who lives outside. Unfortunately, he has a deformity and his claws go into his paw pads. Very painful cuts have formed under his paws, which makes it very difficult for him to move around...
As he eats what he can find in the street, Miroux often feeds in the garbage. So he tends to have diarrhea, which weakens him considerably...
A diet specially adapted to intestinal problems would allow Miroux to stop having diarrhea. He could eat his fill every day, and spend his old age more serenely.
We are a small association, so it is difficult for us to face all the abandonments that there are at the moment. We are overwhelmed and don't have the time to organize in-store collections. Feeding the fifty or so cats that rely on us is becoming more and more complicated!