Poor Ulko is so skinny!
1,440 kg
Dry food offered
1,440 kg
Dry food necessary
Participate in confidence
Animal Webaction visited the site 21 November 2022 and confirms the situation described below.
"Kibble supply has always been a major expense for the shelter, but now it has become unmanageable! The price of kibble has risen by around 60% in the last few months, we never have a steady flow of kibble and yet, we have 500 mouths to feed!
We have only a handful of donors and although we are extremely grateful for any help we can get, our donations are irregular at best and usually small amounts. From one day to the next we never know if we will have enough funds to buy food for our dogs! We are constantly preoccupied with kibble and every day we just fight to survive...
At the moment we have enough kibble to last another 3 days at most. Without the success of this campaign, we will have to start rationing our dogs' portions and we absolutely cannot afford that! Many of our dogs are vulnerable, winter is already here and if we don't maintain the same quantities they won't survive... We cannot bear another failure, please, this campaign must succeed!"
"The number of sick dogs we care for at the shelter is already very large and continues to grow every day! Whether rescued from the streets or from the local pound, many of our dogs are extremely vulnerable, they require special attention, treatment and care on a daily basis. For all our dogs, but for them especially, a good diet is paramount!
Without good quality food in sufficient quantities, their immunity will be further weakened, their recovery will be impossible and their survival will be compromised. With the harsh winter that's ahead of us, having to ration their food would be like condemning them to death!
Yet, our kibble shortage is imminent; we are very worried that this campaign will fail and that the dogs will suffer... For me personally, this possibility is absolutely heartbreaking, I would feel like I am letting my dogs down. They give us so much love, we have to give them something in return! And right now, the only thing they need is to be able to eat their fill this winter... This campaign is their only chance of survival!"
"Benji is a 10 month old dog that we rescued from the streets with his brothers and sisters. He has chronic skin problems, suffers from demodex and despite the anti-parasite treatment we give him, his condition is struggling to improve. Given the extent of his illness, he needs a lot of time to heal and most importantly, he needs to eat well!
He is skinny, ill and to make matters worse, Benji is a very fearful and scared dog. He is unable to defend himself or even impose himself on other dogs, so if the shortage of kibble becomes a reality, I know that he will be the first one to suffer the consequences... The success of this campaign is vital to the survival of all my dogs, but it is even more vital to a dog like Benji..."
"With all that is happening in the world at the moment, getting donations has become extremely difficult. Our supporters from the Italian organisation "Prijedor emergency" are trying to collect donations to help us fund some of the food for our dogs, but their help is limited. Finding funds to feed 500 dogs is not easy, and especially in Bosnia, where we are suffering from one of the highest inflation rates in the region!
The problem is that, apart from our vet, no one here will allow us to pay on credit. And even if we have this leeway with him, our debt has become so big that we don't even know how we are going to pay it back... How could we? We don't even have enough donations to ensure a regular supply of kibble!
No one else in the area rescues dogs, it's all on our shoulders. But we can't fund everything ourselves! I'm not a millionaire, I'm a part-time teacher, all my resources and free time are dedicated to the dogs, but it's not enough... Today we need your help to be able to feed our dogs!"
"We created our association because we wanted to move dogs from the streets, lower the number of abandoned dogs and spread awareness about these issues. I feel like people's consciousness has developed a little bit over time, but only for a minority. The number of abandoned dogs is the highest we have seen so far so it is clear that our approach is not reaching everyone!
My biggest disappointment is actually not being able to change the government's stance on these issues. I've tried every method to convince them to close the local pound, or at least change their methods but nothing's working. Dogs at the local pound are still mistreated and underfed and recently, they've even closed all access to it. Which means we can no longer rescue dogs from there, and we know they are being euthanized... Killing is never the answer to stray overpopulation... only sterilization is! I just wish people would understand that.
Dogs are such amazing creatures, they're exceptionnally intelligent. They never ask for much, they give unconditional love and happiness and they're always thankful for the little things you do for them. In many ways, I think humans have a lot to learn from them... I know for a fact that every single one of my dogs would protect me if needed. It’s not their duty, but it’s their instinct. Why can't more people try to protect them in return?"
Animal Webaction has a logistic platform in Bosnia which allows us to intervene quickly and deliver kibbles.
"After the failure of our last Animal Webaction campaign, some people redirected their donations to us, unfortunately, most of them were one-off donations. So the relief was only short-lived! Now it is November and we are experiencing one of the worst months of the year, it's raining non-stop, it damages our kennels and makes the physical work much more difficult for us.
Most importantly, temperatures are dropping very quickly, which means that we need to be able to provide our dogs with straw to keep them warm, and sufficient amounts of kibble! We are appealing to you once again, with the hope that this time the campaign will be as successful as we hoped..."
When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the products. The beneficiary doesn't receive anything and the buyers are refunded.
If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Ina, please invite them to contact us so that we can put them in touch with each other.
If you represent a Foundation or an NGO for animal protection, please help Ina's dogs, contact us and we will put you in touch!
If you want to come to Ina's shelter to help her, or if you want to send her directly some kibbles or a check, contact her via Facebook (note: direct help is under your own responsibility).
Safe payment 100% safe payment via Paypal or credit card |
Verified action We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter
Sending kibbles The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibbles bought on its behalf |
Delivery tracking We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures |
Satisfied buyers Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our 757 Facebook reviews) |
Expertise Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 10 years |