Scabs, parasites, injury: Lutin urgently needs care!
1,600 kg
Dry food offered
1,600 kg
Dry food necessary
Participate in confidence
Animal Webaction visited the site 20 November 2022 and confirms the situation described below.
"The number of dogs in the streets is always on the rise due to constant abandonment: I’m currently feeding more than 60 of them... Their living conditions worsen each day, they’re all alone and permanently confronted with the dangers of getting sick, injured, mistreated or killed.
They don’t have enough to eat and because of the economic context, people who used to feed them can no longer afford to do so. I’m not spared by inflation either so I just can’t buy kibble anymore… In less than 2 days from now, I won’t have any kibble left in stock, despite rationing it!
I’m so concerned, especially as winter is coming: they need extra calorie supply to stay warm, strong and healthy in the freezing temperatures! They’re hungry and often fight dangerously out of resource guarding instincts… They rely on me to survive and without kibble, I can’t keep them safe!”
"Crna is a three-year-old lone dog who was thrown out in the streets by dog catchers… She had a wounded leg, while living in terrible conditions... I took her to the vet so she could heal. She’s a very scared and submissive dog, she doesn’t fit in any pack.
It’s a real struggle for her to find some food to eat and to fight with other dogs. She definitely doesn’t eat enough and rather lets the others eat her portions to avoid conflict… She really depends on me to eat and if I can't get kibble, I won’t be able to feed her, putting her health at risk…"
"Right now I take care of 54 dogs at the shelter. There are constantly vulnerable stray dogs out there and for the last few months, the ones I have taken in are either sick, injured or both! Recently, I even rescued a mama dog and her babies, who need extra care and proper kibble supply...
Currently, I have no other choice but to give my dogs rationed kibble portions. They're already so weak and without kibble, their survival is definitely at stake… It’s such a huge financial struggle to meet all of their needs, especially in terms of vet care and kibble.
I feel helpless: in less than two days, I will no longer be able to feed my dogs! I’ll feel like I failed them and that I rescued them in vain... Watching them suffer and starve is out of the question; I can’t let that happen, this campaign can’t fail!”
“I rescued Marta from the streets where I found her with injured legs: a group of dogs had attacked her and she also got hit by a car... She has some trouble walking and she will need surgery to fix her back legs. Her experience of life in the streets was particularly painful and deprived - she’s fragile and extremely thin! Without kibble, she can’t build up strength and gain weight, which is vital before her operation… "
"The economic crisis has made things immensely worse than before. These are very challenging times for me when it comes to covering the daily needs of more than 110 dogs! Inflation has a direct negative effect on all of them, both at the shelter and in the streets… Mostly because I’m now unable to pay for all the needed treatments and kibble. I have many debts I still haven’t managed to pay back, particularly to the vet and the kibble supplier...
Sadly, I have given up relying on donations long ago… Since it’s hard for everyone, the amount of people who are actually able to help has tremendously decreased; my appeals on Facebook have never met such low success! It’s awful, I’m always postponing rescues and surgeries due to my lack of resources… I’d be so thankful for receiving this kibble delivery: I could focus on so many things that would benefit all of the dogs!“
“When I first started rescuing and feeding dogs, I would have never imagined I’d have so many under my care! Initially, my goal was to help and find a new home for two dogs in distress I had found… In the aftermath, I realised there were just more and more dogs out there, abandoned and in danger!
It’s harder than ever to continue my actions; at the beginning the economy in Serbia was much more prosperous and I had way less dogs to care for! Besides, there’s no local support so it’s really difficult to do all this work by myself - the disinterest towards animals and their well-being is still real.
I’m fully dedicated to these dogs, so when I see the beautiful results of all that hard work, like helping a dog recover and get back to health, it brings so much joy to my heart… I currently lack the means to rescue many sick and injured dogs and it’s devastating! I worry all the time about the kibble issue…“
Animal Webaction has a logistics centre in Serbia, which allows us to intervene quickly and deliver kibble.
"When it comes to support, I have none from Serbia; my only collaborations are from abroad! An organisation from Britain helps me a great deal regarding adoptions, by sponsoring dogs who are to leave for adoption until their departure… In order to get kibble, apart from the campaigns launched by Animal Webaction, I don’t have many options, to say the least.
One of my friends has started to do some online auctions on Facebook in order to help me pay back parts of my debts, but other than that, I’m afraid my calls for help aren’t answered much… I have no new partnership with any other organisation, so this campaign is crucial for my dogs! I’m so thankful for everyone who has helped my dogs and who will do it again - these dogs’ existence is better thanks to you."
When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the products. The beneficiary doesn't receive anything and the buyers are refunded.
If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Ivana, please invite them to contact us so that we can put them in touch.
If you represent an animal welfare foundation or NGO, please help Ivana's dogs, contact us and we will put you in touch!
If you want to come to Ivana's shelter, or if you would like to directly send her some kibble or a cheque, contact Ivana via Facebook (note: direct help is under your own responsibility).
Safe payment 100% safe payment via PayPal or credit card |
Verified action We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter
Sending kibble The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibble bought on its behalf |
Delivery tracking We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures |
Satisfied buyers Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our 757 Facebook reviews) |
Expertise Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 10 years |