Poor Pierrette found herself out on the street from one day to the next!
2,500 kg
Dry food offered
2,500 kg
Dry food necessary
Participate in confidence
Animal Webaction visited the site 02 December 2022 and confirms the situation described below.
"Everything about animals has increased exaggeratedly in the last few months: kibble, deworming, medication... and so on! This considerably reduces the comfort of our dogs because, due to a lack of sufficient donations, we cannot buy everything and we find ourselves having to constantly juggle different priorities, to the detriment of our dogs. We don't live, we barely survive...
I buy what I can, day by day, but it's not nearly enough. At the moment my dogs are eating kibble rations, mixed with bread. They don't eat enough and it makes me sick that I can't give them more food, or at least the amount they need... I live in worry and fear all the time, because I want the best for my babies. This campaign must succeed, it must... It is the only way to ensure the survival of all these poor animals who depend on me, on all of us..."
"The number of dogs in my shelter has increased a lot lately due to repeated abandonments. We have a lot of puppies and the diseases that go with them: parvovirus, distemper, it's an endless nightmare... On the adult side, we also have some sick dogs, but they are mostly in need of deworming and food... We can already see problems: weight loss and energy, fatigue, diarrhea... Without adequate food and in sufficient quantities, all living beings become weak, fall ill and catch anything... This is true for humans and for my dogs, it's the same thing!
And beyond the health problems inherent to the lack of kibble, hunger also creates behavioural problems, irritability, aggressiveness... This leads to fights, which cause injuries, and which increase our expenses in an unimaginable way for the purchase of medicines etc... It's all connected and it all boils down to the same basic problem: inadequate and insufficient nutrition! We really need your help to keep us going and to allow our dogs to have a full belly this winter..."
"Rosa is a female of about 4 years. She was reported to us by a lady and we picked her up on the road. Like many others, she was unfortunately hit by a car. She is now paralysed and very weak, she is not able to put on weight. She needs more kibble than other dogs to build up her strength and recover, but at the moment I can't give her what she needs... It is heartbreaking for me to see her like this... She needs this delivery to survive!"
"I've always worked on the side, I've always had one job after another to finance the expenses of the shelter. Before the pandemic, there were more job opportunities but now it's a different story. I can't work like I used to, I've lost two jobs that used to cover a lot of the expenses and the donations I receive are very small, they've dropped a lot. The situation is much more difficult and I am in debt: to the vet, to the kibble suppliers, to the pharmacies, for the shelter's rent...
I don't have the means to manage everything anymore, I've used up my savings, I've sold my things, my mother's things... now I have nothing, and people's help is vital to me, but especially to my dogs. They can't live without food!
I'm tired and I can't do everything by myself, it's too much for one person. Please think of us and our dogs... make a donation, even if it's only 1 or 5 euros, it's not much but if everyone pitches in a little, then we can have a chance of reaching the target and feeding our dogs properly."
"In the place where my shelter is located, the changes are visible: there are fewer dogs in the street, a good proportion of the strays have been vaccinated and identified, the inhabitants of the village know them and cohabitation is not a major problem. In the rest of Marrakech, on the other hand, there is still a lot to do...
There, nothing has changed, the dogs are very numerous because they reproduce too quickly and cullings still take place, mostly in secret, but I know that they take place almost daily... I really hope that Morocco will find a way to turn to other, more humane practices, by mass neutering of strays and carrying out controls, vaccinations etc, as this is the only way to do it.
There should also be a program in school that teaches children how to approach animals, and why animals are there with us... Raising awareness among the younger generation is essential if things are really to change because for many adults, unfortunately I feel it is too late... their attitudes will not change!"
Animal Webaction has a logistics platform in Morocco, which enables us to intervene quickly and deliver kibble everywhere in the country.
"I'm getting less and less donations. People were afraid after the pandemic and helping animals is no longer a priority. I still get small donations from a few loyal donors, but it is very small compared to our needs. I have made many requests, I send emails every day to both the Moroccan government and foreign organisations, but I still don't get any positive feedback, they tell me that they can't do anything for us...
I work on the side to try to support my dogs but it's not enough to cover all the expenses and it exhausts me... it exhausts my body, it's too much for one person. All you see is my life and my vocation, I can't see myself doing anything else, it's what I've always done and it's what I intend to continue doing. It is a source of pride for me and a challenge for myself, because in a country like Morocco, with the means at hand, it is not easy... I know that my actions save lives every day, and that is why it is important! That's why we need help... to continue saving lives..."
When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the products. The beneficiary doesn't receive anything and the buyers are refunded.
If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Ibtissam, please invite them to contact us so that we can put them in touch.
If you represent an animal protection foundation or NGO, please help Ibtissam's dogs, contact us and we will put you in touch!
If you want to come to Ibtissam's shelter to help her or if you want to send her directly some kibbles or a check, contact Ibtissam via Facebook (note: direct help is under your own responsibility).
Safe payment 100% safe payment via Paypal or credit card |
Verified action We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter
Sending kibbles The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibbles bought on its behalf |
Delivery tracking We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures |
Satisfied buyers Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our 757 Facebook reviews) |
Expertise Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 10 years |