Poor Attila suffers from chronic asthma!
2,400 kg
Dry food offered
2,400 kg
Dry food necessary
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Animal Webaction visited the site 20 January 2023 and confirms the situation described below.
“We currently take care of 408 dogs at our shelter… Their number has increased, all the kennels are full and since we clearly lack space, food and funds, we have to make difficult decisions and prioritise the rescuing of dogs that are in serious danger, ill, injured or extremely malnourished…
Inflation only makes the situation worse: everything is more expensive, so it just costs us more to feed the dogs, that is the main issue… People are also less and less able to donate. As a result, we have to cut back on food! Right now we only have 7 bags of kibble left, which won't even last a single day considering the amount of mouths we have to feed daily…
It’s particularly difficult to ensure each one of our dogs gets something to eat… We do our best for them, but we are tired… It’s getting us worried and stressed; we saved these dogs to give them a better life, to keep them safe from the dangers of being in the streets, but now they’re at our shelter, they're at a risk of starvation… Not having kibble for them is just heartbreaking!”
“Despite the fact we always consider the amount of kibble we have to make sure all of our dogs get a portion, most of them (particularly the bigger ones) do not eat enough… The lack of kibble results in hunger and it’s affecting the dogs in a number of ways: they are more agitated and tend to show signs of aggressiveness!
Besides, with so many dogs, almost all of the kennels have at least 2 dogs in them and, as the weather has been terribly rainy for weeks, on top of that, many are filled with water, if not even with mud! Most of our dogs are cold and wet all the time, it’s a real struggle to keep the shelter clean and warm; in such a context, tensions can only rise and it's very dangerous, as fights might occur at any moment!
If we’re unable to feed our shelter’s dogs, then we won’t be able to rescue any other vulnerable ones, living in hellish conditions outside… We've gotten to a point where we definitely need help to get kibble. It would be devastating for us if the campaign fails, as we feel responsible for this: caring and feeding our dogs, keeping them safe, is a great burden to carry without any help!”
“Kora is an adorable five-year-old dog who was found running on the streets, with a leg injury that's still visible today… We don't know how it happened but we knew we had to take him in and care for him, as he wouldn’t have made it alive out there! When we first saw him, he was skinny, dirty, and covered in mud…
He’s scheduled for surgery next week: the vet said we have no other options and the leg has to be amputated. Because of its length, Kora still has the reflex to use it and lean on it, which only creates wounds and injuries that won’t close. He will need a proper diet to heal: amputation is a serious surgery and we’ll need to make sure the kibble issue is secured for him to recover…”
“Initially, we used to get more donations and the supermarket collections were a success: back in the day, we would come home with the car full of kibble bags and canned food! Well now, it's harder. Not only has it become more costly for us to use the car and go to our collection spots, but also, if we manage to collect like 7 bags of kibble some days, it's become a "miracle"!
The economic situation overall is bad and has seriously been affecting the donations we get, money or in-kind. We had a few exceptions in December, since a little more people donated during the holidays. Other than that, only our regular donors help us… But we can’t just ask the same people again and again, they have lives and families they need to care for too!
At this point, we lack so much funds we can’t even allow some of our dogs to be better sheltered from bad weather… Luckily, our vet agreed that we pay her on credit for the surgeries and treatments. But those costs only add to our existing bills and debts! I don’t know how much longer this situation will last, but we get more worried as months go by… This campaign is a lifeline for our dogs and us!”
“We’re the largest shelter in the area and our actions are of great necessity for the many abandoned dogs in need: not only do we save dogs and give them a better and safer existence, but we also raise awareness and show people the realities of irresponsibility and cruelty towards animals! We recently had a few adoption requests, but we need to be very careful: many people in our area want dogs for property protection and keep them chained in the backyard... We cannot condone this type of treatment and will not give a dog for adoption if we believe it will lead to a life of neglect!
Along with other shelters in nearby cities, we have noticed an increase in the number of strays and abandoned dogs… The cold season is always particularly harsh for dogs on the streets, as they struggle to find food and warmth. We are doing everything we can to help these animals, but we could definitely use more support to keep doing so! We currently have one employee, but it is not a full-time position as we cannot afford it… Even though we have a few volunteers (about 3 per month, who help out for a few hours), every person who helps makes a big difference, no matter how they help us care for our dogs!”
Animal Webaction has a logistics centre in Romania which enables us to intervene quickly and deliver kibble.
“We work closely with an organisation based in France, which has been a regular supporter of ours… But they have seen a decrease in donations, too, so it’s harder for them to help us. When they can, they send us some food, but we can't just depend on their help: we have more than 400 dogs at our shelter, that is a lot for anyone to handle!
We haven't reached out to any new organisations for help recently, as it appears that everyone is currently in a bad situation… Even organisations in Europe are struggling due to inflation and receiving less donations, so everybody's impacted at every level!
With online raffles, we try to raise funds… Although we're truly grateful for any amount we receive, it's far from enough to completely shift our situation and solve our biggest issues like vet debts or kibble supply... We may post cases on Facebook to raise money and tell people about our dogs’ struggles, you never know how many will see our message and help a bit!”
When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the products. The beneficiary doesn't receive anything and the buyers are refunded.
If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Maria and Ferenc, please invite them to contact us so we can put them in touch with each other.
If you represent a foundation or NGO for animal protection, please help Maria and Ferenc's dogs, contact us and we will put you in touch!
If you want to help Maria and Ferenc at the shelter or if you want to directly send some kibble or a cheque, contact them via Facebook (note: direct help is done on your own responsibility).
Safe payment 100% safe payment via PayPal or credit card |
Verified action We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter
Sending kibble The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibble bought on its behalf |
Delivery tracking We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures |
Satisfied buyers Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our 757 Facebook reviews) |
Expertise Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 10 years |