No longer fast enough for racing, Hope was at risk of the slaughterhouse!
1,120 kg
Dry food offered
1,120 kg
Dry food necessary
"Our association covers about ten different sites, to feed 400 street cats in need. Donations are sporadic, we have no subsidy and the shopping cart operations in stores have not worked. Having reached the end of our stocks of kibble, we cannot afford to buy more...
So we give the cats pasta, mixed with the few cans we have left. The poor things are rationed, but we have no choice ! There are so many of them that we will soon have nothing left to give them. Without kibble, they will continue to weaken with the cold and the viruses that linger. Hunger may take them away one by one... "
"The difficulties are only getting worse, as there is a huge increase in abandonment. We've taken in countless kittens since the spring, and it's not stopping...
We also had to take in charge two additional feeding sites, because people have moved away and left unsterilized cats on their own. In total, that's about 15 more free cats to feed!"
"Brugnon is an elderly cat who lives on the street. Unfortunately, he got chronic coryza there, which weakens him a lot. His nose is blocked and he sneezes a lot. Lately his eyes were full of pus and he developed an ulcer on the right cornea.
Unfortunately, the treatment was not effective enough, and poor Brugnon lost his sight in that eye. Because of his age and this considerable visual handicap, it is now impossible for him to find food alone. Without kibble, he will be among the first to succumb to hunger... "
"The association has a few members, but that is not enough. The lack of subsidy is particularly penalizing and makes the situation very problematic. The kitty campaigns we have launched are not working either.
As for the donations, they are constantly decreasing: people can only give cheap kibbles, and in very small quantities. The economic crisis has a lot to do with it. Everyone is in trouble... Without your help, we have no chance to make it!"
"At the moment, health problems force me to work part-time. So I have even less financial resources than usual... And I don't have the physical strength to do more shopping cart operations to raise funds.
Nevertheless, I continue to take care of the cats as I can for several hours a day, in addition to my work. This has been going on for 15 years, because they have no one to rely on except my association. This kibble collection is a matter of life and death for them!"
When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the collected products, the beneficiary doesn't receive anything and the buyers are refunded.
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Sending kibbles The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibbles bought on its behalf
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Expertise Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 10 years |