Blocked bronchi, red gums, missing teeth: Tina has cat flu and a calicivirus!
1,600 kg
Dry food offered
1,600 kg
Dry food necessary
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Animal Webaction visited the site 09 February 2023 and confirms the situation described below.
"Inflation affects us a lot because everything we need to take care of the dogs has become extremely expensive, starting with kibble. And the problem with this expense item is we can't put it off! Dogs need to eat every day... In fact, over a ton of kibble is needed to feed our dogs every month. And given current market prices, this represents huge amounts of money that we simply don't have!
I have already started to reduce the dogs' portions, and I only have enough kibble for the next 2 days. Winter is here, temperatures are below freezing and the dogs must not get weak. They need to have enough weight to survive, be healthy and strong. I need this kibble campaign more than ever because I can't buy it on my own with my meagre pension, and donations are also far too low...
Unfortunately, if this campaign fails, the dogs will start to lose weight, they will become nervous and will fight each other... the outcome of these fights could be fatal, and the mere thought of it terrifies me. I am afraid, I have nightmares, I cry. What more can I say? Please, help me feed my dogs!"
"There has been a big increase in the number of street dogs lately. People feel sorry for themselves when it comes to spaying and neutering their dogs, but they don't mind leaving their puppies on the street in these freezing temperatures... Anyway. This increase in strays puts additional pressure on our already limited resources, as we have 117 dogs to feed in our shelter and we can't save as many dogs as we need to either!
We have built kennels for the street dogs to give them some shelter but people have stolen them... That's how insensitive people in my area are to animals! And the problem is that because of this increase in the number of dogs on the streets, city employees, who are paid to pick up dogs, are also around more often, which makes the situation dangerous for the dogs...
The impending kibble shortage prevents me from feeding the street dogs as often as I should, and I can't bring them to my shelter either... I am very afraid. Animals are like human beings, they feel the cold, the snow, the rain, they feel punches and kicks. They feel everything... and they are not guilty of anything! That some people decide to abuse them openly is beyond me! Please, please, please consider participating in this campaign so that I can have a sufficient amount of kibble and make sure these dogs are safe and sound."
"I don't have regular donations. Here in Serbia it is already difficult to collect money for sick children, so for sick animals... let's not talk about it. My German friends try to help me by selling their old objects and clothes on the Internet and they send me donations with the money collected. All in all, this amounts to about 100-150 euros per month, which is unfortunately not enough to cover all the expenses of the shelter.
I finance almost everything myself with my pension, but it's not a big sum either... To tell the truth, it has always been difficult to finance the shelter, but since inflation and the price of kibble has doubled, I can't keep up! I have 117 dogs here at the shelter, many more on the streets, and very few adoptions...
My expenses and needs for kibble keep increasing, as do my debts to the kibble supplier... These dogs are everything to me, they are my soul, I saved them and I will never let them down. But I need help to continue... Alone, nothing is possible!"
"I think my actions are making some difference in my area. Since 2010, I have closed two 'dog catching centers' and have helped over 500 street dogs. I have received two awards for my humanity towards animals. The first one from my city Veliko Gradiste, and also the award "Captain Misa Anastasijević" for the humanity of my association, not for me personally. Of course, it is always nice to be rewarded in this way, but unfortunately in everyday life I am alone in all my activities for animals....
I am old and it is not easy to maintain my shelter, especially since my health is not good. But what strikes me the most is the cruelty to animals that I constantly witness. I can't believe how cruel people are to animals... People put dogs in boxes and throw them in the street, hunters abandon their dogs in the woods after the hunting season is over... Sometimes I feel that empathy has disappeared in people, that people only care about themselves. If it were up to me, I would sentence all animal abusers and killers to life in prison!
There is at least one good thing here in Serbia, that we have a good law that prevents euthanasia, unless the dog is extremely sick and cannot survive. And there was recently a positive change: the local veterinary station received a grant of about 10 000 euros from the municipality to vaccinate, sterilize and legalize (passport) dogs with owners. Things are slowly moving in the right direction!"
Animal Webaction has a logistics platform directly in Serbia, which enables us to intervene quickly and deliver kibble.
"Unfortunately, organizations like yours do not exist in my country. I am left to my own devices... And although I receive some help from my friends, the donations are very small and not enough to cover the needs of my dogs.
I am stubborn and the lack of resources cannot destroy my motivation. However, it can destroy my ability to provide for my dogs! That is why I am turning to you today. My dogs need to eat, and without your help, I can't do it! This campaign is our lifeline..."
When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the products. The beneficiary doesn't receive anything and the buyers are refunded.
If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Sladja, please invite them to contact us so that we can put them in touch.
If you represent an animal welfare foundation or NGO, please help Sladja's dogs, please contact us and we will put you in touch!
If you would like to come to Sladja's shelter to help her or if you would like to send her kibbles or a check directly, please contact Sladja via the association's Facebook page (note: direct help is your own responsibility).
Safe payment 100% safe payment via Paypal or credit card |
Verified action We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter |
Sending kibbles The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibbles bought on its behalf |
Delivery tracking We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures |
Satisfied buyers Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our 757 Facebook reviews) |
Expertise Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 10 years |