Kiss Me keeps losing condition!
2,500 kg
Dry food offered
2,500 kg
Dry food necessary
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Animal Webaction visited the site 10 February 2023 and confirms the situation described below.
"With the association and our neighbourhood volunteers (Street Shepherds), we are currently focusing our rounds on about 120 stray dogs... Their number is increasing, because births are not yet sufficiently controlled, despite our sterilisation efforts; the overpopulation in the packs leads to an increase in sick dogs and deaths... And there are more and more abandonments! Morocco is going through a great crisis due to the drought and the increase in the cost of living: animal food is cruelly lacking and has become unaffordable... It's distressing! Many street dogs suffer from illnesses but, due to a lack of funds, it is impossible to treat them for the moment... The priority is to be able to feed them!
Unfortunately, the feeding rounds are now far too sporadic for the dogs to eat enough! We can't even talk about "rationing" at this stage: we can only feed them when we can afford to buy kibble, which is not often given the near absence of donations... At the moment, there's nothing left to feed them! They are thin, weak and frequently have diarrhoea due to malnutrition. I am afraid to find more and more dead stray dogs: it is heartbreaking to find their emaciated and lifeless bodies! If I don't get kibble for the street dogs, they will die... That would be the worst failure!"
"Broken is a three-year-old male who lives in the souk area. One day, when I was visiting the stray dogs in this area to feed them, he approached me discreetly to beg for food... He was probably injured in a traffic accident: his front legs show recalcifications typical of badly repaired fractures...
He is very thin and very weak, and while he is very gentle and kind to humans, he is also very discreet and submissive within the pack... He has a hard time feeding himself sufficiently... Without kibble, I am afraid he will get weaker every day and eventually die of starvation..."
"I currently have 22 dogs in my shelter and I lack the means to provide for all their needs... The dogs in the shelter are protected and safe, but most of them are in poor health and need daily care... My main concern is to provide them with enough food: I have barely 5 days of kibble left, so the situation is very precarious now! And it has been rationed for a long time at the shelter... If I can't find any kibble for the dogs, I don't see how I can continue to look after them decently!
Inflation has taken a serious toll on the finances: the costs of kibble, medication and fuel have all risen by at least 30%! The financial situation of the shelter is made even worse by the considerable drop in donations... I haven't had any adoptions for a long time and I'm having a hard time feeding the dogs at the moment! I fear it will get worse in the coming months if more and more distressed dogs are abandoned - I will have no way of taking on more! If the campaign fails, I will no longer be able to provide for my dogs' basic needs, nor will I be able to guarantee the recovery of the most fragile ones..."
"Citone is an energetic and gentle little dog that I took in after her accident: she was crushed under a pile of rubble... I took her out of the rubble and to the vet, who had no choice but to amputate her front leg which was badly damaged... Her chances of survival were very slim in the street, because even if she had managed to extricate herself from the rubble, her condition makes her very vulnerable!
Her characteristics are unfortunately brakes to her adoption... The shelter is her home and she depends entirely on me for food. She should normally eat more kibble than she does now, as her energy expenditure is much higher since her amputation... She is losing weight very quickly and is getting very thin; she needs this kibble delivery!"
"We used to finance kibble for the dogs thanks to donations and my husband's pension... But lately the situation has become more complicated with inflation; the donations have decreased so much that I would call it an "evaporation"! I have also got into a lot of debt with the kibble supplier.
We received a donation from the Humane Society of US at the end of 2021 to sterilise Hanchane's dogs. This has helped us to continue our work, but we have not had any other support of this sort since and it has already been over a year! We are just a drop in the ocean, and without support, we will remain just that... But with help, we will become a stream, a river and so on...
I'm scared that the global context is not going to improve and it despairs me. I don't know what to do anymore, I'm getting mad at myself for having more and more difficulties to feed and sterilise all these dogs! Without help, it won't be possible to take care of them anymore... I don't see any other solution in the short term, apart from the success of this campaign, to get kibble for the dogs."
"The aim of the association is to save and protect animals, while improving animal welfare in Morocco... We succeeded in launching a sterilisation programme last year, which allowed us to sterilise and vaccinate more than 30 dogs in a neighbouring village! The municipality would like to continue this programme but unfortunately does not have the budget to do so... Sterilisations are therefore postponed due to a lack of funds, but it is so essential to contain the dog population... These actions change the population's attitude towards dogs: people tolerate their presence better and gradually, trust is restored between humans and dogs.
Unfortunately, we see harmful "fashion effects" with pedigree dogs - whose specificities are often ignored by people (e.g. Malinois, Huskies...): once they are adults, they become "problematic" and very often end up abandoned outside... In parallel with this, the dogs in the shelter struggle getting adopted because they are "not purebred" or "not in perfect health"! Even if mentalities change slowly and we are sometimes downhearted, we fight relentlessly for the dogs... The campaign must succeed so that we can save these dogs' lives: they are magnificent and so well integrated into village life!"
Animal Webaction has a logistic centre in Morocco which allows us to intervene quickly and deliver kibble throughout the country.
When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the collected products, the beneficiary receives nothing and the buyers get a refund.
If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Valerie, please invite them to contact us so that we can put them in touch.
If you represent a Foundation or an NGO for animal protection, please help the dogs supported by the association, contact us and we will put you in touch!
If you would like to come to Valerie's shelter, or if you would like to send her directly some kibble or a cheque, please contact her via the association's Facebook page (note: you are entirely responsible for direct help).
Safe payment 100% safe payment via PayPal or credit card |
Verified action We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter
Sending kibble The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibble bought on its behalf |
Delivery tracking We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures |
Satisfied buyers Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our 757 Facebook reviews) |
Expertise Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 10 years |