Kiss Me keeps losing condition!
2,000 kg
Dry food offered
2,000 kg
Dry food necessary
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Animal Webaction visited the site 04 March 2023 and confirms the situation described below.
“Currently, I take care of 354 dogs at the shelter and their number keeps increasing. People continue to abandon their pets and as a result, dogs on the streets reproduce and give birth to many puppies… This situation is heartbreaking for me, as I wish I could provide for all these dogs!
The main issue remains food supply. We never have enough, and it's particularly difficult to get sufficient kibble amounts for so many dogs... We rely on donations from pet shops or citizens but it doesn’t allow us to build up a steady, lasting and substantial stock of kibble… At this point, there won’t be any kibble left tomorrow, this is an emergency situation!
Inflation is making it increasingly difficult to provide for the dogs and sadly, I know for sure they don’t eat enough… The lack of kibble is always a constant worry and a source of stress for me. I am devastated and tired, these dogs mean everything to me and they deserve better: this campaign must not fail!”
“At the shelter, kibble has been cut back on for a while now, because we never have enough to go around... Portioning out food has become a daily “ritual” for me. I'm always on the lookout for ways to get kibble each and every day! I can never relax because I'm always worried about the kibble situation and how it affects the dogs… There’s no need to say how hungry they are, the photos sadly speak for themselves! We already have several cases of skin conditions and it won't stop getting worse if we can’t find kibble!
The consequences will be disastrous: more dogs will get sick and eventually, most will starve to death… They’ll be more and more nervous and tensions around food almost always end up in fights! I couldn’t stand them hurting each other… And the dogs in the streets will suffer too! First, because we’re unable to feed them, and second, because it’s no longer possible for us to rescue any new dog! It's heartbreaking to see these many dogs go so hungry… I really have no other options: I need this kibble campaign to succeed, just to be able to feed the dogs properly, so they can be healthy and happy. That's all I want for them!”
“Madison is a young female dog who was rescued from the streets. She’s been through a lot: she was poisoned twice! She barely survived those attempts to kill her but thankfully, she made it. Still, she remains very fragile and skeletal, the poisonings caused heavy after-effects: her kidneys and liver have been damaged.
She needs special care and without kibble, it won't be possible for her to have enough strength! The lack of kibble already affects her and if a famine occurred at the shelter, I fear that she would be among the first ones to be taken away…”
“I feel lucky that there are some kind-hearted people out there who try to help us however they can… But their generosity is, alas, not enough to cover all of our expenses. Indeed, we’re located in a country that is not particularly affluent, and as a result, the donations we get are limited… The inflation rate has only made matters worse, leaving us struggling to make ends meet!
Due to our current lack of resources, we are not always able to bring all of the dogs to the vet... Medication prices have increased, and so have kibble prices! We try our best to avoid accruing debt, but sometimes we are forced to make difficult choices, such as paying a veterinary bill and then, being left without money for food…
The municipality may provide some kibble, on occasions, but it remains extremely limited compared to our dogs’ actual needs! If this campaign were to fail, I would be incredibly concerned for the welfare of the dogs under our care… I cannot bear the thought of them suffering, and it’s my greatest fear to be unable to help and feed them…”
“I like to think the shelter and I have made a difference in the lives of many dogs... Over time, the shelter has expanded and improved, while we also developed a collaboration with the municipality to ensure street dogs were chipped and sterilised… At first, I worked alone and came to the shelter each day, as I couldn't bear to see them suffer and wanted to make sure they were OK. Now, we are two workers and there are also three volunteers at the shelter! Although there are always people who don't support our work and try to lobby the shelter, I am fully determined to continue because I believe these dogs deserve a happier, safer life!
Yet, adoptions have been difficult lately, and we haven't been able to run them since December. People don't seem to have the time, inclination or means to adopt dogs… It can be tough emotionally to witness the abuse and neglect of strays in Serbia, but it only motivates me to help these dogs even more! For now, our priority is to take care of the sick and injured dogs and sterilise them… Although we cannot take every dog in, nor send all of them to the vet, we regularly check up on them. But I just wish I could do more for all the dogs, I feel desperate not to be able to just feed them once a day!”
Animal Webaction has a logistics platform directly in Serbia, which enables us to intervene quickly and deliver kibble.
“The lack of resources and funding can be discouraging at times… If the shelter didn’t exist, many dogs would be on the streets, helpless and vulnerable, facing terrible dangers. I reached out to some organisations, but there are just so many shelters and people who are desperate… It’s hard to get the help we do need. That is why I am hoping that this campaign will succeed and we’ll get kibble for the dogs.
The dogs give me strength to go on, even when I am down and hopeless. It is heartbreaking to see how most dogs are being mistreated here, but I will never stop fighting for their rights! I hope that people can see the importance of our actions and help us with this campaign, no matter the contribution; thanks to them, these dogs will have a chance to live a better life.”
When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the products. The beneficiary doesn't receive anything and the buyers are refunded.
If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Kristina, please invite them to contact us so that we can put them in touch.
If you represent an animal protection foundation or NGO, please help the dogs at the Nobody's Dog shelter, contact us and we will put you in touch with Kristina!
If you would like to go to the association's shelter to help or if you would like to send some kibble or a cheque directly to Kristina, contact her via her association's page on Facebook (note: direct help is your own responsibility).
Safe payment 100% safe payment via PayPal or credit card |
Verified action We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter
Sending kibble The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibble bought on its behalf |
Delivery tracking We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures |
Satisfied buyers Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our 757 Facebook reviews) |
Expertise Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 10 years |