Poor Toronto is skeletal!
256 cans
256 cans
Brunette is a 10 year old cat who has always had coryza. Her eyes run and stick together. She also has a lot of trouble eating because her nose is blocked (she has no sense of smell and therefore no appetite).
We don't know why, but Brunette sometimes vomits bile. This is an unpleasant moment for her, which contributes to her exhaustion.
Food as palatable as canned food would help Brunette regain her appetite. If she started eating normally again, she could regain her strength. Not to mention that such a high quality food could help calm her vomiting.
We recently had to pick up 11 more cats from a lady who was hospitalized. So we have a total of almost 50 cats to manage... Without donations, our cash flow remains at zero. It is therefore mission impossible!