Viotti was heading for the slaughterhouse!
256 cans
256 cans
Thelma is a cat of about 4 years old, who received a pellet in her gum. Most of her teeth in her jaw have fallen out, and the jaw itself has become loose and has not recovered properly. We are waiting for the x-rays, to know if an operation is possible.
A wet, easy to eat food would be a good alternative to kibble for Thelma. It would be a chance for her to regain her strength, despite the condition of her jaw. After what she's been through, she's going to need it!
Our food stocks are starting to drop considerably. With 270 free-roaming cats and about 30 foster cats to feed, we are unfortunately forced to ration... In these conditions, it is difficult to find the funds to buy equipment such as blankets for the outside cats!