Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 06/05/2023, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Zaza

Sneezing, purulent eyes: little Zaza lives outside with coryza!
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Canned food for Zaza
Sneezing, purulent eyes: little Zaza lives outside with coryza!

288 cans

288 cans

Sneezing, purulent eyes: little Zaza lives outside with coryza!

1. A big virus puts her down!

Zaza is a 6 months old kitten, who lives on a feeding site. Unfortunately, she has caught coryza: she sneezes a lot and her eyes are yellow and watery. At her age, such a virus could cause her to stunt her growth...

2. With canned food, she could continue her growth more serenely

A diet adapted to kittens like canned food would provide Zaza with the vitamins she needs to grow well. She could then continue her growth normally, and at the same time increase her chances of recovery.

3. Impossible to make in-store collections...

It is impossible to find kibble in the stores of our department. Shopping cart operations are therefore impossible at this level. We have to manage on our own... But with 350 animals to care for, we don't have enough means!

Association Association de Protection Animale des Hautes Corbières
10 avenue du Termenès
11330 Félines-Termenès
FR France

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