Dehydration, fleas, lice: Penelope was found in a sorry state...
It is always a huge disappointment to see a campaign fail, it means that the concerned animals will not receive any help. Unfortunately, we can not ship incomplete campaigns.
We want to maximize the help we are all bringing to the animals in distress. Our campaign goals are calculated to balance our storage, delivery and manufacturing costs of the offered products.
Delivering failed campaigns would generate too many costs, which would eventually lead to the bankruptcy of the website and leave all the animals that we could have helped alone...
The delivery of unfinished campaigns is also physically impossible for some products (if only 50% of a kennel is financed: we can not cut it in half).
Our activity is regulated by the french tax law, it forbides us to transfer money instead of the advertised product (article L 548-1 of the Monetary and Financial Code).
For this reason, when a campaign fails, donations are immediately refunded. If they want to, donors can send this money directly to the association.
Our activity is regulated by the french tax law, it forbides us to use the money for anything else than the original use announced in the campaign (article L 548-1).
So, unfortunately, we are not allowed to transfer donations from a campaign to another.
Free clicks are saved before being reallocated to other campaigns (free clicks being immaterial, they are not submited to the same obligations than financial donations).
This campaign failed, it won't be delivered... Collected quantities have been cancelled (payments have been transfered back and free clicks have been saved in a stock).
0 kg
Dry food offered
2,000 kg
Dry food necessary
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Animal Webaction visited the site 15 April 2023 and confirms the situation described below.
"Every day we feed about 40 street dogs in Zajecar and its surroundings. Unfortunately, we are constantly faced with new abandonments, especially of puppies and old dogs... It is difficult to manage this influx because it means that we have to feed more mouths, while the supply of kibble is already our biggest problem! Unfortunately, we don't have any big donors and the donations we get are usually for vet fees, not kibble... So, for want of anything better, we've taken on large debts to the pet shop to get it, but we're now being refused any new credit...
Our uncertainty about feeding the strays is a daily occurrence and it has become a heavy burden, especially when you know how much they depend on us! Without our rounds, the dogs have to explore beyond their usual area in search of food, increasing the risk of accidents, attacks and injuries, as they enter territories belonging to other groups. Injured dogs then have to be treated, which requires additional funds, which we do not have... And for people who are afraid of dogs, these kinds of attacks are another reason to report them to the local dog control service, so that they can be caught...
We feel sad and tense because we are running out of kibble and see no way of getting it! It is said that dogs sense human nervousness and are nervous as well as us... Well it's clear that at this stage, only this delivery of kibble would relieve us! It would guarantee that we could feed the street dogs in the long term, and avoid the terrible consequences that we know..."
"In recent weeks we have seen an increase in the number of sick and injured dogs, including dogs hit by cars. We have saved their lives by taking them to our shelters but the increasing number of dogs in our care only adds to our difficulties in providing kibble... We mix a little bit of cheap kibble with hard bread to keep our dogs from getting hungry, but this is not enough to feed them properly and actually worsens their condition.
Some dogs lose weight, suffer from diarrhoea and vomiting, which lowers their immunity, delays their recovery and makes them even more vulnerable to disease... Adoptions have also been very low recently and this is not really surprising. People generally can't afford to adopt anymore and it's not easy to find a home for a dog that has lost weight and hair... Our shelters are full, the dogs' aggression is increasing and we fear they will end up fighting...
We currently have about 80 kg of kibble left, which is only enough for two days. If this situation continues and if this harvest fails, all the negative effects of the lack of kibble that our dogs are suffering will be multiplied tenfold... We urgently need your help to feed them, and avoid this unbearable eventuality!"
"Yellow was abandoned with his siblings when he was a two-month-old puppy. Unfortunately, he contracted distemper on the street. He is one of only two survivors from his litter... We had treated him and until recently it seemed that everything was fine. Unfortunately, a few months ago, he started to show signs of the disease.
He is suffering from neurological problems and is practically paralysed. He is currently undergoing treatment, but the outcome is still very uncertain, as his progress is slow. All these health problems have also made him lose a lot of weight... He really needs good quality kibble to put on weight, strengthen his immune system and hopefully recover quickly!"
"Our actions are financed by donations from individuals, but unfortunately, except for a few people on Patreon, we do not have regular donors. Serbians are not able to allocate large sums of money to help abandoned animals, and foreigners are increasingly reluctant to donate, either because of money issues or because some of them have been tricked in the past by donating to unreliable organisations... We have tried several times to contact large companies and corporations to help us provide kibble for our dogs, but so far we have not had any positive feedback.
Unfortunately, the prices of kibble and veterinary services have increased significantly, making our situation even more difficult. Our debts keep increasing and we can't even take kibble on credit from the pet shop because of this... If we don't get your help, we really don't know what we will do! Between our shelters and the streets, so many dogs rely on us...
As hard as it is, we can't and won't turn our backs on them, but the difficulty of getting kibble has become very burdensome for us and we don't know what to do... If this harvest fails, everything will go downhill. But if it succeeds, we could have the certainty of feeding our dogs for a while and being able to collect money to pay off our debts, so that we are no longer stuck... We hope with all our hearts that this harvest will succeed and that things will get back to normal!"
"Since our establishment, our aim - apart from neutering, treating and caring for abandoned animals - has been to raise awareness of the issue of strays in our city and its surroundings. We see our influence in the fact that more and more people are adopting mixed breeds, taking their pets to the vet, neutering their dogs and improving their living conditions.
Unfortunately, there are still many people, especially in the outskirts of the city and in rural areas, who are not aware of what responsible pet ownership means. They do not consider their animals as members of the family, but only as objects they enjoy. They keep them only to bark and guard yards or houses and feed them bread and water... These are mostly socially vulnerable people and unfortunately it is very difficult to change their attitude. Many people also think that it is our duty to pick up all the dogs that bother them in the street, or that we have to take in the dogs that they no longer want to look after, or adopt the puppies that their bitch has given birth to...
In our city, apart from the two of us and a few people who help us when it's difficult, there is no one who takes care of street dogs and sterilises them. If we didn't, there would be many more stray dogs, and therefore even more problems, such as biting, pack formation etc... Even though it is difficult, it is the prospect of doing good around us that keeps us going. When we turn shy and aggressive dogs into friendly ones, when we pick up dogs in desperate states and help them get better, when we put them up for adoption... These are our greatest moments of satisfaction!"
Animal Webaction has a logistics platform directly in Serbia, which enables us to intervene quickly and deliver kibble.
"The only regular help we receive is from a German organisation, which has been funding our sterilisations for the last 3 years. Thanks to them, sterilisations of stray dogs and dogs with owners is totally free in Zajecar.
Unfortunately, as far as kibble is concerned, we don't have any regular or significant help. From one day to the next, we often wonder how we are going to feed all the dogs in our care... and we always see new ones appearing on the streets!
We can't raise enough money for kibble or vet fees, and our debts are mounting... We understand that many people and associations need your help, but we would be eternally grateful if this collection could be successful... For the sake of our four-legged friends!"
When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the products. The beneficiary doesn't receive anything and the buyers are refunded.
If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Ivana and Ana, please invite them to contact us so that we can put them in touch.
If you represent a foundation or an NGO for animal protection, please help Ivana and Ana's dogs, contact us and we will put you in touch!
If you wish to go to the association's shelters to help or if you want to send her directly some kibbles or a check, contact Ivana and Ana on Facebook (note: direct help is done on your own responsibility).
Safe payment 100% safe payment via Paypal or credit card |
Verified action We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter |
Sending kibbles The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibbles bought on its behalf |
Delivery tracking We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures |
Satisfied buyers Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our 757 Facebook reviews) |
Expertise Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 10 years |