Animal Webaction
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We cannot let the 85 street dogs under Anca's care starve!

SOS! In Romania, Anca is running out of kibble to feed the 85 street dogs she cares for: they are going to starve!
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We cannot let the 85 street dogs under Anca's care starve!
SOS! In Romania, Anca is running out of kibble to feed the 85 street dogs she cares for: they are going to starve!

2,400 kg
Dry food offered

2,400 kg
Dry food necessary

Participate in confidence

Animal Webaction visited the site 22 April 2023 and confirms the situation described below.

1. In Romania, Anca is almost out of kibble to feed the 85 street dogs she takes care of. They will starve if no one helps! 


“I have 85 street dogs under my care in different parts of the city, they’re organised in packs of 5 to 15 dogs… Their number remains constant, with some being lucky enough to find homes abroad, but many others keep getting abandoned. These dogs don’t have a good life at all, to say the least… They live near populated areas and roads, facing multiple dangers; they get chased or poisoned! Stray dogs aren’t tolerated by many people, so I’m often being argued with or verbally attacked when I care for and feed them…

But I know these dogs would probably just die, without my help! Yet, I always lack the means to do more for them, especially when it comes to getting kibble - right now, my only option is to feed them with low-quality kibble: it’s not nourishing enough and I’ve even had to ration it! And I won’t have any left in a few days… I’m constantly stressed and desperate about the lack of kibble; I gave up caring for my health, comfort, and well-being just to be here for the dogs, but it’s no longer enough - this campaign must succeed!”

2. The lack of kibble already has effects on the dogs: their health declines and fights occur among the packs! Anca needs this delivery to prevent tragic outcomes… 


“At best, my dogs are only surviving on the small kibble portions I give them… They don’t eat enough and the consequences are already visible: they’re losing fur, getting thinner, more agitated and aggressive! They fight over food more often, which means more expenses to pay for treatments to heal the wounds and less funds for kibble... It’s such a vicious cycle! I have to be particularly more careful and watch them all eat to ensure each of them gets to eat kibble… But it’s not easy doing this on my own! 

Out of hunger, they also put their lives at risk even further by wandering into populated areas and crossing high-traffic roads to search for food… My main concern is the increased danger they face in doing so; they are more likely to die from poisoning, violence, or accidents before starvation! I take no vacation because there’s no one but me to make the daily feeding rounds and ensure the dogs are safe… All I need and want is to see them healthy! But if this campaign fails, all my dogs, sick or not, will be in jeopardy…”

3. Jack struggles to survive: he’s submissive, regularly wounded in fights and only Anca can ensure his safety - this campaign is crucial for him!   


“Jack is a five-year-old male dog who has been living with a pack of strays ever since he was a little puppy… I found his mother and the rest of the litter on a cold rainy day, and I have been keeping an eye on them ever since!

Jack is a very friendly and playful dog, but unfortunately, he is also the victim of the older and stronger dogs in the pack... As a result, he has bite marks all over his face and body, and I have to treat his wounds periodically to prevent infections.

He’s particularly at risk if I am unable to provide him with kibble. He cannot survive on his own in the pack, nor look for food by himself - besides, he needs to be fed separately to prevent any more fights…”

4. Anca has too many debts and not enough means to cope with the dogs’ needs - lacking donations, this kibble campaign is her last option!  


“My lack of resources makes me feel guilty, as I wish I could do more for the dogs in danger… I rely on almost all of my income, but it's still insufficient! Although my friends help, it's not nearly enough considering all the expenses to feed and care for so many dogs! Luckily, my daughter is in vet school, so her help is very precious when it comes to administering some medicines… But for the more complex treatments and procedures, I still have debts to pay at the vet clinic! I’m so ashamed to be unable to pay them back… 

The donations I get are very low, people seem to care less about dogs, and the economic context has made their finances worse. Despite the amazing support from foreign associations when it comes to funding some of my actions, their funds are very limited… I fear the worst for my dogs if I can’t get kibble - the most fragile ones will die within a few weeks, even days, and eventually, many more will follow. I wouldn’t forgive myself if that happens!”

5. Anca isn't asking for money, only kibble to prevent the street dogs from starving.


“I've been feeding and caring for the dogs daily for 8 years now, and I know most of them since they were puppies! Many wouldn’t be alive today, if I didn’t make sure their basic needs were met… They rely on me for survival and I’m so happy to continue getting to all of them every day, bringing them kibble and litres of water… This hard work is difficult to carry out alone, but I’m really grateful to see the dogs happily greeting me each time I come to visit! 

Here, many people think I’m crazy or that I’m loaded with money to do such things for dogs - they don’t seem to understand what it truly means to love animals and to put their needs first! Mentalities take a long time to evolve… I can’t imagine having to leave them behind or not being able to provide for them anymore. It’s so sad to think of all the other poor souls that I cannot help… My situation is desperate and I just hope that people will start to care again and help the dogs in any way they can!”

6. If this campaign is successful, Anca will not receive any money, but 2400 kg of kibble, delivered from Animal Webaction's logistics centre in Romania.

Animal Webaction has a logistics centre in Romania, which allows us to intervene quickly and deliver kibble.

7. Despite the help of her supporters, Anca struggles to cover all the dogs' needs: this campaign must succeed! 


“I feel very fortunate to have friends supporting my actions, as well as some amazing people from a British association and from a French one… They have been a lifeline for me and the dogs: when it’s possible for them, they help me fund foster care for dogs on their way to be adopted abroad, vet bills for the most severely ill dogs, some kibble or treats… But my dogs and I are not the only ones they look after, so their financial abilities are therefore limited.

I have tried reaching out to other organisations to get help, but they are overwhelmed with requests. It’s so important for me that people support my actions because these dogs have no one else, they need all the help they can get… This campaign is my last chance to be able to feed the dogs for a few months and I’ll be so thankful if people help me get kibble, no matter their contribution, it will be incredibly appreciated and valuable for these dogs!”

8. Campaigns launched on Animal Webaction often fail...

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When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the products. The beneficiary doesn't receive anything and the buyers are refunded.

9. In Romania, it is difficult to find funds for kibbles, there are no aid, no grants, no foundation... Many abandoned dogs die alone in the streets, in complete indifference...


If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Anca, please invite them to contact us so that we can put them in touch.

If you represent an animal protection foundation or NGO, please help the street dogs Anca takes care of, contact us and we will put you in touch!

If you want to come and help Anca or if you want to directly send her some kibble or a cheque, please contact her via Facebook (note: you are entirely responsible for the direct aid).

10. If you make a purchase on Animal Webaction, it will be protected by our guarantees.

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100% safe payment via PayPal or credit card

Verified action

We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter


Sending kibble

The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibble bought on its behalf

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Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 10 years

Anca Timpeanu
RO Romania

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