Moustik was abandoned while he is sick...
920 kg
Dry food offered
920 kg
Dry food necessary
Participate in confidence
Animal Webaction visited the site 25 April 2023 and confirms the situation described below.
"I currently take care of 110 street cats in different parts of the city... There are always too many abandoned cats and life is very hard for them outside! They get sick and mistreated, sometimes poisoned, injured in accidents or in fights... It is very preoccupying!
Recently, during the month of Ramadan, the shops and restaurants were closed: the cats no longer had access to leftover food, which affected them particularly badly... I did everything I could to continue the feeding rounds to keep them from going hungry, but now the lack of means and donations no longer allows me to buy kibble.
No matter how much I rationed what I had left, in two days I won't have any left at all! The situation is really very critical; the cats are not getting enough to eat and with inflation and the increase in the number of cats, medical cases to be treated and the births to come, I will not be able to cope if this campaign fails!"
"For the last 15 days I have been rationing kibble and I can't feed the cats every day. They are losing weight, some are sick and there are frequent fights over food... I am very worried about their health and well-being, the number of sick and injured cats is increasing!
Coryza and calicivirus are taking their toll on cats, while their injuries are often caused by territory fights or out of survival instinct, because they are hungry... On top of that, many people abandon their sick cats, pregnant cats or their "unwanted" kittens... I would say that 95% of abandoned cats are not sterilised.
The number of fragile cats in my care can only increase, in this context! Without kibble, I really fear that their health will deteriorate rapidly... If this campaign fails, I don't know how I will feed them. It makes me very sad and depressed to see my cats getting thinner and fighting dangerously to eat and survive."
"Among the cats I feed is Caramel, this young male. He was recently abandoned at one of my feeding sites. His coat is very dull and he has recently lost a lot of weight, very suddenly. I can't take him in because I already have nine cats in serious conditions and I have no more free room in my flat...
But his sudden thinness is abnormal and the reduced portions I am forced to give the cats do not help his case! The only thing I could do for him was to take him to the vet who de-wormed and de-parasitised him. But he remains malnourished...
He would need a full blood test to determine why he is so thin, but that is very expensive, I can't afford it... If this campaign is successful, I could at least feed him a little better and help him regain his strength and weight."
"The most difficult thing to finance and obtain for our four-legged friends is everything they need: kibble, medication, sterilisations, etc. My actions mainly depend on donations, but I don't get enough to cover all the necessary expenses...
When it comes to veterinary care, I have to ask my friends for donations to help me pay the vet bills. Without them I would never be able to make it! But the debts for vet care and food are piling up, I can't see any way out...
Inflation is also affecting my actions, as the price of kibble has almost doubled and I can't buy any more without asking for help. I'm exhausted trying to find solutions and donors who can help me... I'm struggling alone for the cats; this campaign is really my last chance to keep feeding them!"
"I am often worried when I go to feed the cats, because I am afraid that they will no longer be there when I arrive: sometimes the municipality catches stray cats and removes them as soon as they discover their presence in a place... These cats are hunted down and live in constant fear of being attacked and mistreated.
If I weren't there to take care of them, I don't know what would happen to these cats; many of them are not used to living on the streets and they have a hard time finding food... Their defences are not adapted and that's why many of them get sick very quickly... I can only take in a handful of very serious cases at home and I don't even have the means to have them hospitalised!
If I didn't have such a lack of resources, I could do more for them - especially in terms of sterilisation: it's the only way to alleviate the suffering of stray cats! Locally, my actions are often misunderstood; it doesn't discourage me and I continue to do my best to feed the cats! But without help, it will never be possible to make a lasting improvement to the lives of the stray cats in my town."
Animal Webaction has a logstics centre in Morocco, which allows us to intervene quickly and deliver kibble throughout the country.
"I only have one friend who helps me with the feeding rounds... Otherwise, I have no external partnerships or support and even less at the local level... I am very limited in my actions with my meagre resources, but I do what I can to help the cats of my city! I sometimes manage to get some of them adopted, making sure that they are well taken care of by their new family.
I make appeals for donations to help me pay for veterinary expenses and also to finance the sterilisation of some cats, whenever possible... But I notice a clear decrease in the help I receive. And with kibble also becoming more and more expensive, I need more support than ever to continue to feed and care for the abandoned cats. I would be very grateful to every person who will make this campaign a success for my cats!"
When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the collected products, the beneficiary receives nothing and the buyers get a refund.
If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Najat, please invite them to contact us so that we can put them in touch.
If you represent a foundation or an NGO for animal protection, please help Najat's cats, contact us and we will put you in touch!
If you want to help Najat feed the stray cats, or if you want to directly send her some kibble or a cheque, contact her via Facebook (note: direct help is done on your own responsibility).
Safe payment 100% safe payment via Paypal or credit card |
Verified action We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter
Sending kibble The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibble bought on its behalf |
Delivery tracking We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures |
Satisfied buyers Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our 757 Facebook reviews) |
Expertise Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 10 years |