Elderly and visually impaired, Vulcan lives outdoors...
287,300 cm2
blankets offered
287,300 cm2
blankets necessary
Filou is a 9 months old cat, who was abandoned at the age of 4 or 5 months. He is unfortunately too wild to support the indoor life. So he lives outside, on a feeding site. The poor little guy doesn't know how to keep warm!
When he was abandoned, Filou was thrown over a fence! He had to be operated on and now has a prosthesis on his leg.
While waiting for warmer weather, Filou could use some blankets. It would help him keep his body warm, while bringing a little softness to his harsh daily life.
Our association takes care of nearly a hundred cats. Unfortunately, the cold is here and we don't have enough blankets for them. They are far too expensive per unit... However, they need them more than ever!